Graphic Cards Cannot differentiate fps. What am I missing?


I cannot differentiate the fps difference between 60fps and 144fps when on a 144hz FHD display. Tried to test fps shooters, forza and fifa. I have turned off vsync in monitor and in game.

I have a 5600+6600xt+16GB 3600Mhz setup.
Your refresh rate is set to 144hz in the settings of both the game and your advanced display settings right?

144 and higher I can understand not feeling the difference. 60 to 144hz you should
Even 60 vs 90 can be a big difference. Visually it starts to get a lot smoother. I generally don't like 60 anymore.
Not because of latency, but due to how low fps is more blurry in motion. High fps is just smoother.

Just to test things out, you can look at this. Click on the expand button and it should show multiple frame rates.
So for example, 120 and 240 are somewhat close at default speed, but 120 is much better than 60. 30 is terrible.

And this test shows how much clearer it can be. Running 60fps games but which looks like monitor fps in persistence blur.
Really hoping some genius comes up with a reshade shader or similar tool to do this for all games with gsync and HDR.
BFI is similar but this is supposed to be better and emulates CRT.
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