What are people playing in 2022? And what got you through covid?

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Throughout the lockdowns i stuck with my old faithful Halo 5 but now ive started trying new games and genres. Gotten into Chaos Gate, Sniper Elite 5 and Humankind.
Completed HORIZON FORBIDDEN WEST and ELDEN RING after that. Nothing else after that. No good games to play at the moment.

Tried some times with HADES, but did not like it much. Became kind of monotonous after some time. Tried few other like far cry new dawn [ which is an utter waste].

I might install Witcher 3 once again. Time to kill some nekkers / ghouls and vampires once again. Even doom eternal might be worth a try once again.

BTW , i completed a lot of games in the COVID times. More than 15-20. Had a lot of spare time to kill as office was not accessible for few days and i was stuck in hometown.
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I was playing online Board Games. Started and continue playing Ticket To Ride and Splendor. Catan Online as well.

Bought a ton of games on steam. Finished The Banner Saga.

Unfinished and playing (All RPGs):
1. Divinity Original Sin
2. Divinity Original Sin 2
3. Witcher 2
4. Neverwinter Nights
5. Diablo Immortal (Ipad)
Warzone and Dota2 with 2 sets of friends, used to make excuses when the other group would call me to play and I got bored playing the game I was playing at the time. Good times.
During lockdown TLOU2 and Persona 5 kept me busy. Now playing PS5 games - Returnal, RC Rift Apart, Stray, GoTG, Ghost of Tsushima to name a few memorable ones.
I might have 100+ games in my steam library and I try new games for a few hours every now and then but I always end up playing only two in the long run during the pandemic:
1. Team Fortress 2 (most friendly and wholesome multiplayer community if you get to know the right people)
2. PES Season Update 2021 (with heavy mods, around 350GB)

Mostly a lot of old boomer shooter type games:
1. Star Wars Battlefront II (Classic 2005)
2. Dusk
3. Mount & Blade Warband (with mods)
4. Return to Castle Wolfenstein (with RealRTCW mod)
5. Blood
6. The whole DOOM and Quake series in general etc.
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