What are you gaming on your PC these days

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Switch said:
Sixth sense...

And your siggy was kind of a little help too...

actually i had a conversation with someone abt it earlier, n he was tellin he wants it to be showed in upgraditis or he shall open a thread to ban me :P

hence for the sake of curiosity .....


Just completed F.E.A.R.Now would move onto either Assassin's Creed or Bioshock after my card arrives.:)
Completed Dark Messiah of Might and Magic last night ....medicore game with good combat but finishing is damn cool
I stay quite behind of everyone, i enjoy halo 1 multiplayer on my pc regularly as its the only nice multiplayer game that my crappy card can run

Comp can't handle anything else and my laptop keyboard is all sticky coz of gaming so I stopped using it.
Civilization 4 - Beyond The Sword.
with the BUG mod.

average games usually last a week or so.
severely addicted to the "just one more turn" syndrome.
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