What are you guys doing on NYE

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What are you guys doing on New Years Eve??
Mesa planing a nite picnic with friends....
but dunno its quite cold......
I am planning to go to pub with my girlfriend and make out in public and get drunk and create a ruckus and get arrested and put in jail :rofl:

In reality, I will be sitting at home studying :(

Have exams going on now...
I dunno what i'll do... will probably put all my stuff in my new stacker and keep staring at my comp :rofl:.
^^ aaah what a sweet way to enjoy the NYE, even i would like to join ya :rofl:

Anyways, i'll be hanging out with my friends :)
^^ lol.
anyways i am going at Ambessador - Playboy mansion girls will b there dancing and if i dont get passes then ill go to WTC for sure!!
Movies, internet, gaming, fast food - repeat from movies uptil pizza until its 2 or 3 in the night, all at home with the family.
^ Lol, I was planning a casual disc with freinds, but they have decided on a rave.. :P

Now, its either rave, or Nokia Mumbai Party on Star Plus :rofl:
Getting my small room filled with 15+ chicks and Im the only guy unless one of my other guy friends dosent show up :D

Oh and what we gonna do...Friends marathon for like 5 hours straight and maybe a few movies before passing out after drinking.
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