What are your top 5 Rockstar games

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Can't agree more. I still feel if I fire it up, I'll be able to drive and find my way around without looking at the map too much.

Same with me. I remember the Vice City and GTA 3 maps even now. Maybe because they were smaller, but I found them more memorable than GTA4 and 5. I just finished playing GTAV this weekend and many times in the game, I felt I would be lost without the GPS.
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1. RDR
2. GTA - Vice City (more of sentimental attachment & 'retro' value; reminiscent of the carefree and fun-filled old times, & the 80s'-90s' OSTs in the game).
3. GTA IV - had liked the 'realistic' feel, two of its musical themes, and the almost cold, stoic demeanour of the main character.
4. Max Payne (Kung Fu edition)
5. Oni (placing this at the last as never completed the game)

have played GTA SA, GTA V, and LA Noire only partly, and too little. very likeable games, esp. the latter two, and hoping to play & complete sometime in future.
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Shocking but nobody played Midnight Club here apart from me? :eek::oops:

This has emerged strongly as a GTA discussion thread. Mods change the title.:p
i remember most of GTA III, IV and V maps :P

if you remember GTA V streets, its easier to get out of an online chase. ;)
yes, me too. had played the earlier Midnight Club and then the last one (Midnight Club LA). found the latter good (the driving mechanics esp.), but never completed any.
Rockstar doesnt have enough games for a top 5 ... maybe top 2 .... so My list (in no particular order)
1) Max Payne
1) Max Payne
2) San Andreas (Actually I once played this game for 18 hours non stop... in office :dead:)

I dont consider rest of the games like RDR, GTAiv, MP3 etc... as top games because they were just above average for me.
  1. GTA San Andreas
  2. GTA V
  3. Bully
  4. Red dead redemption
  5. Max Payne 2
If for parent company 2K then Civilization V is all time fav.
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