PC Peripherals What can i buy cheap in europe?


Hey guys, I would most prob be going to France in a few days. Is there something I can pick up there for cheaper then here? Like a laptop from duty free for an I-pod video? Maybe a graphic card...

Would it be worth picking up from there or duty free incase its not working later?

Pls do suggest if u know of something.
Thanks & Regards
There is nothing cheap in France in terms of computer h/w or other electronics. Though they have some very good perfume and chocolates.
Wine & cheese !..and saucisson.


Real cheese as opposed to the crap that passes for it over here. Go to a gourmet store here and check out the prices for the above then try the same with a wine shop.

Realise (in amazement) it costs half the price over there (WTF is the other half going to)

and bring a crate back.