What color phone do you prefer? (Black or White)

Please pick your color and answer - why you like it

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What color mobile do you prefer?
Black or white?

And most importantly "Why"?

I prefer white, as to why?, why should I tell you :lol:?
It looks very pure and clean :yes:
Black is for normal people!
White works with apple and their set of special users -- see my sigpic!
Black! Looks nice n shiny :D
White starts looking dirty after some time

If you use the phone with butter fingers, yes. Have used white BB Bold for 1.5 years, without any cover or pouch, still looks like new :) (Except for the back leather part which starts to tear off)

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funny how all votes are for black but the people who voted white everyone is justifying it in comments...

Whats your justification for making a comment on people justifying their votes and replies about the color of phone they prefer? :lol:
Techies and geeks always love their gadgets in solid black ..

Big no no for white at least for me, apple devices have their own charm although i like their grey aluminium finish on macs which feels natural and sturdier instead of boring black plastics on other laptops :P
Black and white is boring, and not technically "colors". California Blue on HTC 8X is an awesome colour, it really jumps at you. On a different note, Nokia Blue is pretty soothing too.
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