Storage Solutions What device supports my needs?

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I have around 7 internal hdd's plus 4 external hdd. Probably around 10+ TB of storage. Most of the hdd's are stored offline in a box cause no space in computer.
Problem is the data on them has been duplicated or outdated 2-3 times now. I probably have 2-3 backups of most of the stuff. I want something such that:
  1. I want only 1 single backup of the data.
  2. Should be online connected to my gigabit network.
  3. low powered as much as possible (in < 20W)
  4. if one disk goes bad, i should not lose all the data on it. Some of my disk's have 1-2 bad sectors and because they're stored in a box they have not gone bad yet.
  5. smb sharing so i can browse and watch content off the disk.
  6. low cost. < 5-6k to build preferably with support for 5-6 hdd's.
  7. don't want raid. afaik, raid is not a backup. jbod has disadvantage where one disk failure will kill off all data on all disks.
  8. small footprint.
The Vantec enclosures used to be available with Primabgb for a lot less. They used to be in the 6-9k range.
Synology would be your best bet if you can find an affordable unit in your part of the world. I picked up a nice 8 bay unit for $800 USD a while back and it's great. They are a bit pricier than some other NASs, but make up for it with the amount of cool features. For really critical data I use their CloudStation software which not only syncs my data across multiple machines, but it also keeps a copy on the NAS and stores back versions, deleted files, etc. for easy recovery should something go wrong.

You are right about RAID not being backup. However, if you want to be able to suffer a drive loss and keep operating you'll need to enable some sort of RAID, either RAID 5, 6 or 10 on the unit. If the point of the uint is for backup, then you don't really need to back up your backup (unless this data is life or death critical).
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