I have around 7 internal hdd's plus 4 external hdd. Probably around 10+ TB of storage. Most of the hdd's are stored offline in a box cause no space in computer.
Problem is the data on them has been duplicated or outdated 2-3 times now. I probably have 2-3 backups of most of the stuff. I want something such that:
Problem is the data on them has been duplicated or outdated 2-3 times now. I probably have 2-3 backups of most of the stuff. I want something such that:
- I want only 1 single backup of the data.
- Should be online connected to my gigabit network.
- low powered as much as possible (in < 20W)
- if one disk goes bad, i should not lose all the data on it. Some of my disk's have 1-2 bad sectors and because they're stored in a box they have not gone bad yet.
- smb sharing so i can browse and watch content off the disk.
- low cost. < 5-6k to build preferably with support for 5-6 hdd's.
- don't want raid. afaik, raid is not a backup. jbod has disadvantage where one disk failure will kill off all data on all disks.
- small footprint.