What Does Your Handwriting Say About You?

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Found this site, Hand writing expert

Handwriting Personality Quiz

The results of my analysis say:

You plan ahead, and are interested in beauty, design, outward appearance, and symmetry.

You are a shy, idealistic person who does not find it easy to have relationships, especially intimate ones.

You are negative, fearful, resistant, doubtful, and/or selfish.

You are a talkative person, maybe even a busybody!

You enjoy life in your own way and do not depend on the opinions of others.

I know its crap!

But what the heck..

Please post your result.....
The results of your analysis say:

You fill every waking moment with activity.
You are a social person who likes to talk and meet others.
You are diplomatic, objective, and live in the present.
You are a talkative person, maybe even a busybody!
You enjoy life in your own way and do not depend on the opinions of others.

OK :P....wateva!
^^ true dat .. daz y i visited this post .. nice try hm , bt the analysis is supposed to be done wid ur real life handwriting and not the computerized version of it ..
my results :P

You plan ahead, and are interested in beauty, design, outward appearance, and symmetry.
You are a shy, idealistic person who does not find it easy to have relationships, especially intimate ones.
You are negative, fearful, resistant, doubtful, and/or selfish.
You are a talkative person, maybe even a busybody!
You are self-confident and like to bring attention to yourself
chic_magnet said:
in reality handwriting analysis does tell a lot abt the person..but i doubt this one would work the same way hmm

there is no proof for that, its in the grey area.
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