CPU/Mobo What if i7-2600K + Gigabyte H61M DS2 ?

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My friend got this config want to ask what is the Disadvantages

i7-2600K + Gigabyte H61M DS2
Ram 4gb
1tb hdd
iball cabinet (local smps)
iball keyboard mouse
acer montior (lcd/led) 20"
Nvidia 210 graphic card

I would like to know technical stupidity of this setup... What are the disadvantages.. As you know people say i want i7 i5 etc stuff so shopkeeper give this in budget
Also this cabinet is placed in closet or something where the room for air is from behind
hahaha i7 2600K with an nvidia 210...lol..... on an iball cabinet and PSU.......

Now to answer your questions:

1) I would like to know technical stupidity of this setup... What are the disadvantages.............................. Disadvantage is that you cant game on it due to the weakest possible PSU and GFX card.... Advantage is that you have a really powerful torrent machine...

2) Also this cabinet is placed in closet or something where the room for air is from behind........................ lol wut!!!! Please take it out of the closet... The air flow is supposed to be from all sides of the cabinet and not just from behind or front.....

On an unrelated note, are you trolling??.... trolling or not, you did make my day man.... kudos... and have fun with the new rig....
My friend got this config want to ask what is the Disadvantages

i7-2600K + Gigabyte H61M DS2
Ram 4gb
1tb hdd
iball cabinet (local smps)
iball keyboard mouse
acer montior (lcd/led) 20"
Nvidia 210 graphic card

I would like to know technical stupidity of this setup... What are the disadvantages.. As you know people say i want i7 i5 etc stuff so shopkeeper give this in budget
Also this cabinet is placed in closet or something where the room for air is from behind

Here is the answer --

Advantage --
  • It is going to be a dirt-cheap buy.
  • bragging rights [I haz teh Core i7!!]

Disadvantages --
  • your friend has just got himself certified as being a gullible customer -- bragging rights again [I haz teh Core i7 moment].
  • He will be able to boot into Windows, torrent HD Ripz watch them and delete them without a hitch.
  • He will be able to play all the games in eye-popping stop motion mode after turning of all distracting details like shadows, lighting and anti-aliasing. Maybe plugging out the monitor will help.
  • He will ask you to start a few more threads like --> help my temperatures are so HI, my computer keeps resetting itself [automatically]... what is the isssue, I cannot play teh gamez?? I heard a noise from my cabinet like a firecracker exploding... smoke started coming out... is everything fine???? Plz hlp and a dozen others I am not in the mood to list just yet.
  • He will have a keyboard in which he can always keep an eye on the i-key.

Sorry if I sounded like a generic n00b hater but seriously what is the purpose of this setup?
What is his budget and where will he buy these components from?

Help is right here, have the MOD's move this thread to the PC Buying advice section and then simply put your requirements in the template provided and we will handle the rest. Also pester your friend to join the forum. ;)

Hope this answered your queries, Cheerio!!
Sorry for late reply.. was sick
Yes you all are right...
For the answers

1) The machine total is Rs.42000
2) Yes the cabinet is kept under a cabin closed from all way (even from front) just the back side is removed with the help of carpenter...
3) Purpose their kids are doing vb or something related to programming... Also his son is in 11th science side and taken the IT subject so they think they need a i7 for their need
4) he had a contact with a existing dealer.. I already warned them to atleast get a suggestion from me before buying i would have asked you guys.

again ROFL...
today his son is beggin for GTA 4 i some how managed to run away ... lol... How will it look ....
So bad for noobs...
LOL so big post... lol lol rofl... Remove the PLUG OF MONITOR LOL....

I suggested them to take a Belkin spike guard (they were using pinnacle local) and a APC UPS 600va because light fluctuate a lot and as all you know it will soon die (iball smps)

Today opened the CPU (after a lot of request)
Dynet RAM 4GB
MSI Nvidia 210 gfx (1gb ddr 3)
1 TB seagate HDD
iBall SMPS
total Rs 42000

A cheap iBall PSU powering the setup won't be a very good idea.
And guess what you are absolutely lucky to say that...

Trolling ?... No man really they live in my building and done this two days before... i checked the machine today and was controlling my self

LOL YES Joke of the Year

The reason for this is that People always LOOK for the Processor NOT THE CONFIG... This is 90 percent true also same about Graphic card people say this to dukan wala "I want 2gb graphic card how much for it" .... And as you know dukan wala is bada harami...He will now make his best effort to fool this noob...

Thank you all posted this to warn others...
last month when i went to nearby computer market to purchase some stuff, i met a guy who was there to upgrade his system. He had almost same configuration.
Actually, he brought his old Dell desktop to get it upgraded from the "Dukan wala" .
The desktop was quite old and the shopkeeper suggested him i7-2600 with an Intel motherboard,4 gigs of kingston ddr3 ram along with Nvidia Gt 210 graphic card. :p
Shopkeeper didn't mention anything about psu. He just checked that there was written 450W on the dell's psu, so it is infact 450W (100 % efficiency) according to them.

Since his main requirement was a system powerful enough to be used for digital audio production to run pirated copies of FL studio, logic and some other apps with some more pirated vst's.
That guy was happy as he might be thinking that he's getting his old rig upgraded to i7 in cheap price and will be soon enjoying his day producing some kickas$ tunes in his bedroom. :bleh:
I didn't wanted to spoil his happiness, so i didn't interfere to suggest him a good PSU and a vfm graphic card.

Such cases are very common in Nehru place and now even with Janakpuri district centre's computer shop in Delhi.
I expect the PSU to go BOOM damaging the mobo and possibly the CPU. 2600k deserves a better config it will be bottlenecked by a zillion things not to mention the stupid GPU.
Although I would say that your friend got suckered, a friend of mine went for a similar rig last year but with good enough reasons on hand. He needed a i7 or i5, did not plan to go for a dGPU, went for H67 since he did not enough rokda to get a Z68. Also he got a cheap PSU + cabby.

1 year later, he upgraded the cheap PSU to a Seasonic one. He plans to get a Z68 for cheap OR a Z77 so that he can overclock and finally get a GeForce/Quadro since the apps he uses need CUDA.

However, the worst thing is that there was a place in Lamington called Sun Systems ~ Its near primeABGB, ground floor of the next building toward Churchgate side where the shopkeeper wanted to sell the config with Dynet RAM!!!!

The reason for getting the i7 2600k rather than any other was the need for maximum CPU grunt, plus the HD3000 IGP. His parents had specifically mentioned no GPU so that gaming would not be done :P (They think a GPU is mainly for gaming. Later they read about the Quadro/FirePro + CUDA usage)

His rendering gets finished very fast. So he is one happy kiddo :)
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