WHat is FAILTEL Upto!

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I can't believe this is where I've ended up with my 1Mbps plan with 512Kbps under F'UP


This is insanely stupid man.
Maybe there is a problem with your line? Have you tried registering a complaint? For whatever its worth, I never once faced any downtime or slow speeds as long as I was with Failtel, I would have been a loyal customer if it weren't for their stupid FUP.
Must be some problem in the line ...

Have u reached that 80 gb mark?

...talking to their CC is bullsh#t.:|
Failtel has gone nuts I am getting speeds below 256 on my 1MBPS plan whereas my total usage for the current cycle is 19GB. Also Techenclave and Wikipedia sites cannot be opened from my connection.
Roxtin said:
Failtel has gone nuts I am getting speeds below 256 on my 1MBPS plan whereas my total usage for the current cycle is 19GB. Also Techenclave and Wikipedia sites cannot be opened from my connection.

You are not allowed and don't have any right to browse such informational websites as your connection is not built for these,failtel might apply asterisk and will launch a new policy against your connection. :D
-Sent from my FAILtel mobile connection
1. I havn't crossed 10GB mark AFAIK.

2. This happens frequently in addition to NO CONNECTION sometimes. Only FA!LTEL's site opens at such times.
^^ I get airtel website too sometimes..

But i am getting 2Mbps even after my 10GB FUP..

No problems at Hyderabad AFAIK..
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