What is this jugaad programming concept

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The 'article' doesn't explain a single thing technically.

For any program to work, there is some input and some output.Input is converted to output by processing the data. You cannot eliminate the basic data which has to be stored somewhere.

The above linked article mentions eliminating variables in RAM.

this link mentions reducing variables of a program.

inventor of Jugaad Programming concept - jugaad programming concept

Reducing variables is a fine/understandable concept but eliminating variables completely is impossible.

a few examples from the rediff link.

Write a program to compare the two character given by the user are same or not?

the two characters are given to your function as variables.

Write a program to display ODD number between 1-20 using loop and single printf function?

printf in itself requires parameters which have to be passed as variables.

If he is not trolling, then I guess he is trying to reduce the runtime memory usage of individual functions by reusing the memory on stack.

Memory optimization is a better term for this concept, but then that will not get you noticed in a world where you have to oversell everything.
i dont know what the hell he is talking abt but the way media is interpreting this as "india's revolutionar blah blah first computer concept blah blah " is not good ..
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