what is this???

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i have seen snail with a shell on its back in northern india during rainy seasons but never seen anything like this

EDIT: I think its exact name is Deroceras reticulatus
i have also seen this things in our area ..... i am really scared of them .... they look like blood sucking insects ...... once i have seen in mine rooms wall usually i see they if it rains heavy

And wth are you afraid of them? They ar not bloodsucking.

I have picked them up and thrown them around.

If you want to torture them, sprinkle salt on them (very cruel, it draw water out of them. DO NOT DO THIS).
KingKrool said:

And wth are you afraid of them? They ar not bloodsucking.

I have picked them up and thrown them around.

If you want to torture them, sprinkle salt on them (very cruel, it draw water out of them. DO NOT DO THIS).

lol thats like giving a monkey a shotgun and then asking him not to shoot ppl... :P

and really, plz dont do that :)
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