All OS What kind of phone camera is a "good" camera?

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It's probably my lack of photography skill, could NEVER take a decent print ( standard size) out of any Android phone ( some looked decent on screen, but never on a print) However prints from very old iphones ( back in the days of 4s) were usable.
I'm really old fashioned and still maintain physical photo albums and rely heavily on DSLR, photos are very precious to me ( and I don't take photos of everything/ everyone with phones..mostly use phone's camera for books/ documents etc.). Yes DSLRs will die eventually, but really don't care..pretty sure I will still be using the 5D mk III and recently purchased 90D after 10-15 years and after reaching 60, ain't going to take any photos.
yep that's because it's a fad these days to look over sharpened in the name of 'details'. the last phone that didn't do this and indeed looked great is Nexus 6P (I believe pixel 1 is same). it took great pics but was strongly suppressed by a horrible soc and lack of ois, practically making it unreliable for quick shoots. iPhone jumped on the same bandwagon from 11 series. unfortunately that's what people seem to love. portraits from 12 pro max is superb though. absolutely amazing how now it's possible to get such shots on a phone.

iPhone 12 Pro Max - Portrait Review
I never really understood the role of smartphone in portrait photography in general...this is what I do mostly with a camera.
To me it's absolutely impossible to take a portatrait in a phone ( including iphone)print and frame and gift it to someone!!
My old full frame camera with a 100mm prime lens takes infinitely better portraits than ANY PHONE.
I'm mostly in portrait photography...and in this hobby for 15 years now...full frame is the only way to get great cropped sensor can replace the FF in portrait game.
I would answer, even if the hardware is rock solid, the software matters as to how well it produces the output with the perfect balance of white, colors and overall pixel utilization.
This was where Sony struggled with their own world renowned lenses perfectly executed by their client partners but they themselves kept struggling for over an decade. Its like you are not able to raise your own child properly to get the best result out of it..

Soon Xiaomi will introduce 1k mp camera in a sub 15k phone but is it ever gonna beat 80k iphones 12pm or that pixels camera?? NO NO NO!
Do you guys really take prints from phone's camera's photos?
no offence doc, but you always tend to think everything solely from your perspective.

I never really understood the role of smartphone in portrait photography in general...this is what I do mostly with a camera.
To me it's absolutely impossible to take a portatrait in a phone ( including iphone)print and frame and gift it to someone!!
My old full frame camera with a 100mm prime lens takes infinitely better portraits than ANY PHONE.
I'm mostly in portrait photography...and in this hobby for 15 years now...full frame is the only way to get great cropped sensor can replace the FF in portrait game.

nobody is comparing a phone to dslr mate. there’s no need to. a camera is always going to take much better photos in the hands of a professional. it’s always about how far have we come from absolutely potato quality cameras on phones. an iphone takes beautiful and absolutely useful portraits these days. would it be possible 5 years back? no. only way was to carry a full fledged camera with a huge ass bag on the shoulder.

please check the link i sent in the above post. if you think that’s just average coming from a phone camera i think you’re missing the whole point. comfort and convenience. for memories. not as a hobby or passion.

again no offence but i think you take too much pride in being old school. sorry if it sounds rude!
Rude!! Not at all mate!! Your post was spot on!! I often come across as a complete jerk in real life too.
Yes, I watched the nice video you posted ( but not very carefully)
I am old school and not really proud of it. Yes, phone cameras have improved a lot...12 Pro indeed captures good portraits. But I've invested a lot of time in learning portraits and that has paid off very nicely ( a good portrait can be a great gift even today in a nice frame)
Don't you think we take a lot of unnecessary photographs today instead of just enjoying the moments?
Just think about a live rock concert, half the younger crowd is busy taking videos with their phones, they not only missed the concert, but made videos that themselves will probably see once or twice.
Yes, I'm proudly old school, I will join the mosh pit, won't take a single photograph myself during the show, but will carry my bulky camera and lens in the car and try to get a nice good band picture if possible backstage.
I've made posters of Dark Tranquillity, COB, Dimmu Borgir and Avantasia only in 2019 ( Masters of Rock festival) from those DSLR photographs.
IMO phone cameras will get to Professional cameras when they have variable apertures. I also imagine that someday we would have post processing algorithms of phones on modern day DSLR and mirrorless cameras
Didn't Samsung try dual apertures in S9/10? I'm not sure though, never had those phones, just read about them somewhere.
Why is it do difficult? Lack of physical space?
Didn't Samsung try dual apertures in S9/10? I'm not sure though, never had those phones, just read about them somewhere.
Why is it do difficult? Lack of physical space?
Yes and Yes. I think 2 apertures were possible. People think that wide aperture is always better but there are cases where you need to stop down, for example macro photography or when you want flares from light sources. A lack of variable aperture takes away from the creative freedom that the photographer has with a real camera.
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Plus slightly under exposed photos usually retain the details which can be brought back ( often rather easily) but salvaging an overexposed photo is almost impossible ( and requires A SHIT TON of work in post)
I could never take a really good portrait with the so called "pro"...manual mode of a mobile camera.
Other than stopping down, it's impossible to increase the centre sharpness.
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