What laptop for my requirements? Lenovo Z series?

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What's your Budget? (e.g. >30K, not more than 50K etc.)


What will be your primary usage for the notebook be? (e.g. web surfing/office apps/Casual Gaming)

Surfing, office apps. No gaming at all.

What size and weight considerations do you have? (e.g. Do you want a 17" desktop replacement or you want an ultraportable 12" or something in between)

14 or 15 or 13? This is where I am confused. I use it mostly lying on my bed with it on my legs, so weight and HEAT are both issues. I have been using a 2kg Vostro 1200, 12" and been OK with the screen. Sometimes, like now I am with my wifes 15.6 which is 3kg and heavy and hot too. Have also considered the Dell 13" ones.

Any brand that you prefer, or any brand that you detest? (e.g some would prefer to stay away from Acer or Dell)

No brand preference

Any other considerations? (e.g Battery life; Widescreen/non-widescreen; Glossy/Matte screen etc.)

I would prefer to get one with Win 7 Premium Home edition.

On another thread someone pointed to the great deal on the Lenovo Z570. 43K with extended warranty, i5, 4gb RAM, good screen and legal Windows. Just worried about the weight and heat. Heat is a real issue for me. My stomach is getting cooked as I type this.

Lenovo IdeaPad Z Series Z570 (59-304310) Laptop: Flipkart.com: Compare, Review Lenovo Notebook
Get any laptop but dont forget to take 3 yrs warranty along with it, and is your SGS2 shipped from yebhi?
^^ Lenovo asked some 7-8k when i asked for 3yrs warranty on lenovo ideapad Z series some two weeks back.
It doesnt have USB 3.0 and the power of Nvidia GT410 is more or less the same as the Intel IGP. Its slightly better due to more refined drivers.
^^ Nice laptop,you can have a look at the model at sony centres but dont buy from there :P you can easily get around 5-8% off on sony vaio laptops and 3 yrs warranty costs just 2.5k, so it will be around 55k including 3 yrs warranty :)
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