What made Delay in announcement for Cricket 09?

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As we know that there are not announcements for Cricket 09 till now. The reason for this is the title selection. EA decided to title the game as "EA Sports ICC Cricket 09 - 20/20 World Cup" but then unfortunately they were not sure about it. With the success of IPL season last year and the coming season must have delayed the announcement for the game.

According to our EA Representative, EA is still dealing with the titles and tag line of the game and they will announce when they will be finished with it. Thanks to Tutorialistic.net for some information.

According, to New Zealand online shopping website Mighty Ape, Cricket 09 is estimated for $79.99. Some weeks ago, mighty ape removed their pre-order listing forCricket 09 but now again they have enabled for it with the price $79.99.
Since it's a pre-order price for Cricket 09, we may estimate a value little closer to this.

EA has given a little bit hint that their Cricket 09 will be available only for PC. The proof is, in their online game registration , they have listed Cricket 09 (which means its going to come) only in PC Platform and no one else. It seems that they are currently preparing their press release.

The suspense from EA Sports and the excitement of a new Cricket game has really made people super excited. There hasn't been any official announcement of the game but it has been under notice that EA sports Cricket 2009 is going to be released on 8th May 2009.
This is a great news for Cricket fans..However, I remember reading in net that EA has sold the source to someone else and there will not a sequel to Cricket 07....Can someone confirm this?
they are trying to add a new mod - Terror Attack-during the match suddenly terrorist will attack and players have to run for their live-it will be a mix of sports and survival-non horror game :D > this will be a time version which can unlock better sports equipment-bazuka bat..whirly ball..etc etc
BLIC scores over EA Cricket 2007 in Multiplayer department! For single player, EA Cricket 2007 sucks, but BLIC is even worse! Hoping to see a *decent* cricket game for a change :no:
THe problem in cricket games is the small market for it.

I mean sure INDIA is a huge market "number" wise but i am doubtful how many indians actually buy a cricket game for 1200 bux :|
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