What productivity tools are you using in 2020?

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Using an iPhone so default notes app is more than sufficient for my note takind needs and with me and wife sharing iCloud account, we have common notes.

Calendar5 for my reminders as I am super bad at remembering things and this app is super useful for me. I think I even paid for it.

Television Time for managing tv shows tracking. I know title says productivity but since I spend 3+ hours in to and fro office travel daily, I heavily use my tablet to watch TV shows and poof goes away all my worry about traffic jams etc.
Xmind -- a great tool to help generate mind maps. (PC & APP)
ExplorerMax -- A tabbed Windows file manager in Chrome Style. (PC)
Forest -- Get out of control of social media. (app)
Tomato List -- Set a specific time for things and stay focused. (app)
Using an iPhone so default notes app is more than sufficient for my note takind needs and with me and wife sharing iCloud account, we have common notes.

Calendar5 for my reminders as I am super bad at remembering things and this app is super useful for me. I think I even paid for it.

Television Time for managing tv shows tracking. I know title says productivity but since I spend 3+ hours in to and fro office travel daily, I heavily use my tablet to watch TV shows and poof goes away all my worry about traffic jams etc.
i am also using the same.
linux - notify-send, couple of days back after leaving my bath water running - useful for alerts. (PDFXchange viewer in case anyone missed that)
TickTick paid subscription for all task management and to do lists along with hobbies tracking. It's amazing.

Forrest for allowing me to focus
Pomodoro on TickTick for study and code.

OneNote for windows 10 to hand write my notes while studying. It has cool features and great organization. It's free.

And my samsung note 8 notes app for casual notes.
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