What speeds should I be getting?

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I recently opted for Mtnl 2Mbps Night Unlimited but I get speeds of only 150-200kbps that too only on rapidshare.
Speedtest.net aslo gives approx the same results.
However I see many other people getting 1000-2000kbps.
R my speeds correct or I should I be getting more speeds?
YA infact I saw it on techenclave itself, in the TE highest Speed thread.
Here's the screeshot.

This person is also using Mtnl Triband and he's getting 1749kbps.:S
Hey buddy, u get 150-200kBps and not kbps....the guy u mentioned gets that speed and u also get abt 2048kbps==2MBps..understand??
hi.. like others have mentioned it's the difference between kbps (kilobits per second, usually denoted by lowercase 'kb') and KBps or KB/s (kilobytes per second, denoted by uppercase 'KB'). generally when isps and people talk about connection speeds, they use kilobits as a measure. when they're referring to the speeds while downloading files, it's in kilobytes.

to get your kilobit value in kilobytes, divide it by eight. so a 2mb connect which is 2 megabits would give you roughly 2000/8 KBps i.e 250KBps on downloads.

that being said, 150KBps on a 2mbit connection is rather terrible. if i were you, i'd complain to my isp. you're losing out on about 80KBps.
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