What thing(s) you bought by convincing yourself you really needed it, even when you didn't.

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Each of us does this. We have our eyes set on something and most of the times these are "wants" and not "needs". We try to convince ourselves that XYZ product is going to be super useful and I absolutely need it and such.
So what are such things (need not necessarily be gadgets) that you have bought with this mindset and how is the thing working out for you now?
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oh, a bunch of stuff here..

1. Logitech K480/K400 Plus keyboards. I figured it would be nice to be able to use keyboard on my TV and be able to type with a keyboard on my ipad. K400 plus was quite decent and I can recommend it. K480 OTOH is terrible. It's waay to heavy(but you sort of need that to support wait of the actual device) but they keys on it get mushy over time, Like reallly bad. Mine is a little over 1 year old and half the time, some of the keys don't even work. And somehow, It's bugged so pressing one key results in multiple presses of some other key. (it's not a keyboard language thing, I have checked). So, Now that keyboard is completely useless and I won't recommend K480 to anyone. Maybe the K380 but I'd still suggest getting something else. Logitech has a whole bunch of other issues which is why I never ever recommend their keyboards to anyone but won't get into that right now.

2. Kindle basic. That's a bit over 2 year old and at least for the first year since I bought it, It actually wasn't bad. Then, I starting a lot of technical books which come in PDF format and don't work on kindle basic all that well. So, Now that kindle is collecting dust. A lot of people(including me) go for kindle basic as their first kindle and it's sort of a mistake honestly. The PPI is too low and there is no back light. If my kindle had backlight, I would most likely start using it again but oh well. I sort of want a kindle oasis 10th gen now but I don't know if I _really_ want to spend that much money on a kindle. I don't know I am thinking about it too much, I'll probably end up buying it.

3. ipad air 3 + Apple pencil gen 1. I bought an ipad air 3 so I could read pdfs and it has worked out super well. Then, I bought an apple pencil thinking I could use that to annotate and the experience of that is okay but I do have some complaints. Apple claims their screen is scratch resistant but turns out, If even a tiny speck of dust particle sticks to the end of the pencil and you just use it like that to write something, You will get scratches on the panel and that's what happened in my case. I now have a bunch of scratches on the display. So, Since I now fear, I'll get more scratches on it, I have basically stopped using pencil to annotate anything. I bought screen protectors 5 times from amazon and everytime it came broken. I didn't put one on when I bought the ipad since there are basically no good quality screen protectors available. I wanted anti glare matte screen protectors but none of those available here.

4. Raspberry Pis. I got them to make a cluster and host a bunch of stuff in my home/vpn network but turns out, You actually do need a decent UPS to power RPis. Otherwise, You churn through sd cards really easily. I ended up burning a couple of sd cards because the power would go out at any moment. Later on ended up setting up network boot and removed sdcards from all the PIs, This works much better since if they all shut down, no _permanent_ damage is done. I also later bought a UPS.

There are probably more but can't remember most of them right now. :)
Each of us does this. We have our eyes set on something and most of the times these are "wants" and not "needs". We try to convince ourselves that XYZ product is going to be super useful and I absolutely need it and such.
So what are such things (need not necessarily be gadgets) that you have bought with this mindset and how is the thing working out for you now?

For me, I look at the price. If it is in my spending threshold I will probably go for it even if I don't need it.
And, I do have a complex spend matrix by which I try to classify things :eek:

One of the example was PS4. I as setting up my TV - Home Theater system. I got too much carried away and got a PS4 even though I did not have interest in gaming. Then I played on it for may be 12-15 hours in 3 years.
Finally sold it off, during this lockdown time, when really could do with some extra cash.
There were times when I thought I would love to game. Once bought the modded PS2 and sold off pretty soon after trying couple of games and running DVD and such.
Then I got a Nintendo Wii which I got for pretty cheap in US and that too got minimal use and sold it off.
I realized I have zero interest in games.
oh, a bunch of stuff here..

1. Logitech K480/K400 Plus keyboards. I figured it would be nice to be able to use keyboard on my TV and be able to type with a keyboard on my ipad. K400 plus was quite decent and I can recommend it. K480 OTOH is terrible. It's waay to heavy(but you sort of need that to support wait of the actual device) but they keys on it get mushy over time, Like reallly bad. Mine is a little over 1 year old and half the time, some of the keys don't even work. And somehow, It's bugged so pressing one key results in multiple presses of some other key. (it's not a keyboard language thing, I have checked). So, Now that keyboard is completely useless and I won't recommend K480 to anyone. Maybe the K380 but I'd still suggest getting something else. Logitech has a whole bunch of other issues which is why I never ever recommend their keyboards to anyone but won't get into that right now.

2. Kindle basic. That's a bit over 2 year old and at least for the first year since I bought it, It actually wasn't bad. Then, I starting a lot of technical books which come in PDF format and don't work on kindle basic all that well. So, Now that kindle is collecting dust. A lot of people(including me) go for kindle basic as their first kindle and it's sort of a mistake honestly. The PPI is too low and there is no back light. If my kindle had backlight, I would most likely start using it again but oh well. I sort of want a kindle oasis 10th gen now but I don't know if I _really_ want to spend that much money on a kindle. I don't know I am thinking about it too much, I'll probably end up buying it.

3. ipad air 3 + Apple pencil gen 1. I bought an ipad air 3 so I could read pdfs and it has worked out super well. Then, I bought an apple pencil thinking I could use that to annotate and the experience of that is okay but I do have some complaints. Apple claims their screen is scratch resistant but turns out, If even a tiny speck of dust particle sticks to the end of the pencil and you just use it like that to write something, You will get scratches on the panel and that's what happened in my case. I now have a bunch of scratches on the display. So, Since I now fear, I'll get more scratches on it, I have basically stopped using pencil to annotate anything. I bought screen protectors 5 times from amazon and everytime it came broken. I didn't put one on when I bought the ipad since there are basically no good quality screen protectors available. I wanted anti glare matte screen protectors but none of those available here.

4. Raspberry Pis. I got them to make a cluster and host a bunch of stuff in my home/vpn network but turns out, You actually do need a decent UPS to power RPis. Otherwise, You churn through sd cards really easily. I ended up burning a couple of sd cards because the power would go out at any moment. Later on ended up setting up network boot and removed sdcards from all the PIs, This works much better since if they all shut down, no _permanent_ damage is done. I also later bought a UPS.

There are probably more but can't remember most of them right now. :)
I have completed my final year project on Rpi 3B+. But boi did that card went kapput one day before evaluation of project.
Since then I have believed that RPi is good as a prototype board but you can't do a serious project on it.
I really hope they move away from sd cards and explore other storage solutions.
A couple of VR boxes. Didn't exactly buy them because I felt I needed them, but I thought it would be cool to try out VR and the experience may be worth it, only to realize that it basically sucked.
recently bought 5.05 Ps4 Pro from OLX. realised as soon as i have my own pc, this one'd be collecting dust :D:banghead:
At least 15 pairs of headphones (8 bought in July /August)..now giving them away to reduce the guilt, and then buying 5 pairs of bl03 after somebody @ Reddit posted they might go OOS or BLON may change the tuning in the next revision and screw it up like the bl05s.
I know I'm an idiot, when people with families and kids loosing jobs everyday,I'm buying headphones like a maniac. Ashamed of myself.
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