What to bring from HongKong

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Mond Mond Ja Ja
One of my Colleague's friend is coming from hong kong. So he wish to get some goodies from there via him.

He is interested in following stuff to buy.

1) Blu-ray player.

2) Home theater

3) Headphones

4) in-ears

5) Dock for his iPhone. And some drool accessories for iPhone.

pls suggest ....

1) A good site where we can see various options for above product categories with prices.

2) Whether it makes sense to bring above products from HK. I mean If it's cheaper in here or US, he would not bring from HK.

3) recommended products too for all above 5 things.

It's kind of urgent as he has only two days to make a list of things which he wants and forward it to his friend in HK, coz his friend is coming within 1-2 weeks max. So He might need some time there to shop online/offline.

So help will be appreciated. :)
It's extremely cheap for almost all PC related goodies. Ask your friend to visit Mongkok Shopping Centre (Kowloon) and Golden Shopping Centre (next to Sham Shui Po MTR station) for all PC related stuff. You can headphones there as well. I did see them when I was there last month. Mainly JVC and AT. But keep in mind that warranty is an issue.

Also, camera's and lenses are much cheaper vs Indian prices. I would say if you have a DSLR, get a good lens for it from there :)
Thanks black_hawk. He already has a good lappy with him, so he is not looking for ny PC components as of now.

warranty , yep that's gonna be an issue for sure. But he is ready to take risks.

Also he is specifically interested in BD players, HTs and dock/iphone accs.

Thanks again mate. Will keep in mind to inform about Mongkok Shopping Centre and Golden Shopping Centre.
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