Storage Solutions what to check in new harddisk

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I have purchased new WD 1Tb external portable harddrive, model my passport ultra.
what should i check in new HDD.
i have to store important and confidential data.
i think i should check for bad sectors first?? which software.
read/write speed? software??
security lock? use inbuilt hardware or some other special software?

on my desktop computer i have samsung 80 Gb , in which i can tamper with firmware. like zero formatting( do not know what is difference between physical formatting) and can increase or decrease rpm speed. i.e. fast 7200 rpm and slow 5400 rpm(silent mode)

Is the above mentioned stuff possible with WD my passport drives?
Also tell what is the use of doing it.

one more question as i am changing my laptop (windows 8) to netbook (win 7).................sad office policy
I have my personal data on old laptop which i want to delete (after taking backup) FOREVER...means no recovery software should be able to RECOVER it. i fear the misuse of my personal pics and videos.

at last one offtopic question:-
what are the best recovery software available ??
with pros and cons (like ease of use and speed, reliablity etc.)
whether it can also recover after formatting??
is there any software which can recover data in extreme conditions? used by professionals

i have deleted partitions and recreate new partitions after formating of different sizes then they previously were. still my data recoverable? which software?
Data Recovery Pro is the best and its trusted by many professionals so you can go ahead with this.
Key Benefits and Features for you to enjoy & have peace of mind
  • Recovers a wide variety of file types, including
    recycled, compressed and encrypted
  • Has the ability to retrieve missing files from
    many peripheral storage devices
  • Can save recovered files to a selected destination
  • Revives media files (songs and video) from your
    iPod Classic, Shuffle, and Nano
  • Features a small footprint that doesn’t take up
    much space, but still more than powerful enough
    to scan quickly and recovery your files.
have you actually tested it, i do not know about latest version (will check it) but in older version , it was unable to show my files after formatting.
can RECOVER ENCRYPTED FILES, now that's a great feature. how do they work. Brute Force attack?
Get Stellar or Getdataback-GDB. I'm using them since past 7yrs in a row and they never disappointed me. Even after a lost/ deleted/ formatted partitions they show all older partitions to recover data from. Works perfect with Fat/Fat32/NTFS.

For testing your new drive use HDSentinel or HD Tach. It shows temperatures and all in-depth stuff you want to know. You can perform many tests on your disk as well before staring to use it.
I would suggest to do a complete check with HDDTune, that should reveal if the HDD has any bad sectors. Or a complete format (not quick), should do the trick as well. Or, completely fill it up with data, and if the writing speed goes into Kbps and sits there, then you may have an issue.
thanks will do it. please throw some light on inbuilt hardware encyption lock/unlock feature also.
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