CPU/Mobo What to do with 12 GB RAM?


I just grabbed an excellent offer this Friday on ebay, 8 GB G.skill ripjaws 1600 CL9 fior 4000. With a 10% off coupon the price came down to 3600! Now I am lumbered with 12 GB of RAM! Most of my games are 32 bit and I am not into scientific computing or virtualizing. Should I just sell of the existing 4 GB ripjaws kit I already have? Or is there any must play game coming out which could actually benifit from 12 GB of RAM?
swastikrj said:
dont think any game would require 12gb of ram

i would have definately sold the extra ram
Like I thought. More than 8 GB RAM seems wasteful for at least the next two years. I will wait for a month or two and then sell it as RAM rates are supposed to go up.
You got it real cheap man. Enjoy your RAM, and I wouldn't sell it. 12 GB would come handy in the Next few months even. Battlefield 3 has 64 bit mode and only DX 10 and 11. On DX 11 + 64 Bit it may require even 8GB+ (Hoping on 2,048×1,536 + All maxed??) .... who knows? :p
u could convert the remaining 4gb as a hdd with a software ............ don't remember the name but TE members can help u find that ;)

u can get a fasted response form is method :D
mutant said:
wow where did you get 8gb gskill for that price? :O

Can I get the same? lol..let me know...

I got it on ebay hereIt was an auction and the starting price was 4000. Surprisingly no one bid on the damn thing, so I won the bid by default! A 10% off coupon got the price to 3600. A total steal! Using the 4 GB for pagefile seems like a good idea. I will try it out and see if there are any real-world improvements.
unixguru said:
I got it on ebay hereIt was an auction and the starting price was 4000. Surprisingly no one bid on the damn thing, so I won the bid by default! A 10% off coupon got the price to 3600. A total steal! Using the 4 GB for pagefile seems like a good idea. I will try it out and see if there are any real-world improvements.
The dude is KilltheDope from "the other" forum. These are newegg purchased stick. Enjoy 'em!
If you are into programming and work with large code bases, then too large amounts of ram would be quite useful. Especially, the linking phase uses a hell lot of memory. Large code bases would easily max out the physical memory and result in a lot of disk trashing not to mention extremely long build times. Higher amount of RAM reduces this time drastically. At my previous company, the code base we worked on used to take up 20~30 min just for the linking phase alone with 2GB RAM in the system. The same happens in 1 min with 8GB RAM.

If you work with or intend to work with open source code base's like Mozilla or Chromium, some of the build options require 8GB+ RAM.

Other than that, if you have interest in trying out various Operating systems, you can setup Virtual Box VM's and run your OS from there. Given enough RAM, you can run the OS full screen and high resolutions and you would never feel that you are running a VM.
you have 3 options my friend :-

1. Donate the extra RAM to me :D

2. Keep them and boast that your computer is so fast because it has 12gb of ram (80% of the people out there will believe you and would be in your and your pc's awe :D )

3. keep using these rams till 2015 or till even ddr4 starts to phase out then these ddr3's will sell at higher or same prices than if you sell them today :p