What to do with my 7yr old pc?

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I just brought a new c2d comp ( in oct 06). Now my 7yr old comp is just lying unused. I am using the old monitor but will upgrade to a 19inch Lcd soon.

I was thinking of selling it but the comp is so outdated that i'm sure no one would be interested.

Specs: Proccy - CeleronA 300Mhz,
Ram - 128Mb PC133 mhz Hynix, (was 256 - the other stick died recently :( )
Hdd - 4gb seagate 5400rpm, still working & without any bad sectors:ohyeah:
PSU - 250 watt (came with the cabinet - some unknown make)
motherboard - bx983d
sound card - cmi
agp card - 4mb sis6326
keyboard - btx make, mouse - microsoft
Monitor - Samsung 14inch Samtron 40Bn

All the parts are in good condition and the comp can be used for surfing the net, document edition,i.e. all cpu non-intensive tasks.

with such an antique system i am thinking of either selling it part by part (if any1 is interested) or giving it all away - i mean give it to some poor chap who cant afford a comp.

I just want your opinion - should i sell or donate it?

Anyone donated their comp before? or is there any1 who knows some ppl who r in this business of donating used comps to the needy?

i am confused as of now and cant make up my mind.
^^ nice, even i am thinking of donating it, but how? i had read in the Times of India sometime back abt a person who does this sort of thing - takes old comps (working or not working) from ppl and makes working comps from them, then gives them to schools in rural maharashtra.

but no contact info was mentioned in the paper.
If u sell it u will only get as much as u get for each individual part. Max say 3k.

Either donate it.

Or if u are a heavy downloader, then put a bigger hard disk there and use it as a download machine.
I too have a couple of old systems (p3's) lying around. Would appreciate some help on how I can go about donating them. Are there any reputable organizations that undertake this task?

PS: I am from Kerala.
Go to the nearest BMC school and ask if they are intrested, or else use the old machine as a download drone. You also never know when u might need a backup machine...
i knew YMCA used to take old comps ... dunno if they do now , try contacting them
The possibilties are endless:

File Server

Download Rig

Backup Machine

Folding/Seti@home Rig

Print Sever

Firewall Rig

But if i were in your shoes i will gladly donate it... Best option is to go to a orphanage and donate it there :)... I know a good friend of mine who donated his entire He-man/G I Joe collection(Action figures and stuff) there... Wonderful feeling...
its not powerfull enough for downloading! cpu shows full load even if i try downloading a small file.

btw there's not enough room in my room for two comps. :)

i think i'll just join the freecycle network and give it away.

its good to see a smile on somebody's face who cant afford a comp.
yea thats what i plan on doing as well...i don't see myself getting a new comp in at least a year from now but when i do , I'll be giving this one off to somebody who really needs it and hey this is vista ready :P
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