When your are gonna register for domains, you gotta look into some steps :
* .com ( comercial ), but best know address of internet. This .com is very popular, I would always suggest you to take this incase, you gonna have ur site for personal and commercial purpose.
* .net, when you dont get .com, the next thing you go for is .net

. Just kidding. But its true that, many register .net if they are unable to get their names in .com

! But .net stands for Network. A better choice if you have a company that has a huge network !
* .org, not suitable unless you have a organisation. ! Anyway lest leave this !
* Other popular formats : .biz,.info,.ws ! These are other popular one's ! If you really gonna take a personal website, you can use > .ws (WebSite). Else if its gonna provide some good information, choose .info. And serious business .biz
* Now we can register .co.in and .in on our names. It has been opened to public from Jan 17th ! Before which, one needed to have license to open a .co.in and .in domains. This is best if you wanan show others you were india !
Hope the above info helped you. If you still have more doubts, please reply to this & I am sure I can help you the best.
Infact I did get GO4i.COM, so landed with GO4i.NET ! But probably will get it soon. And always choose a small (though not available) and cool, catchy domain name and thts easy to remember to ppl !Have pHUN