What to look for when buying a domain name.

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Staff member
Can someone tell me what services do I look for when registering a domain. I mean should I go for any other services like Copyright and all. I dont need a email box and the other flowery services. Just tell me what are the necessary services that one would need. The indispensible ones only.
Also suggest me some registrars
If you want simply a domain name, then just look for one that comes recommended well, and one that is a bit cheap. www.godaddy.com is a place where some people buy their domains from and they say it's pretty good.
When your are gonna register for domains, you gotta look into some steps :

* .com ( comercial ), but best know address of internet. This .com is very popular, I would always suggest you to take this incase, you gonna have ur site for personal and commercial purpose.

* .net, when you dont get .com, the next thing you go for is .net :P. Just kidding. But its true that, many register .net if they are unable to get their names in .com :D ! But .net stands for Network. A better choice if you have a company that has a huge network ! ;)

* .org, not suitable unless you have a organisation. ! Anyway lest leave this !

* Other popular formats : .biz,.info,.ws ! These are other popular one's ! If you really gonna take a personal website, you can use > .ws (WebSite). Else if its gonna provide some good information, choose .info. And serious business .biz

* Now we can register .co.in and .in on our names. It has been opened to public from Jan 17th ! Before which, one needed to have license to open a .co.in and .in domains. This is best if you wanan show others you were india !

Hope the above info helped you. If you still have more doubts, please reply to this & I am sure I can help you the best.

Infact I did get GO4i.COM, so landed with GO4i.NET ! But probably will get it soon. And always choose a small (though not available) and cool, catchy domain name and thts easy to remember to ppl !Have pHUN :)
Well.. When u start a site, u mite go for free web space / cheap space.. BUT make sure u go with a prominent domain registrar.. Like GoDaddy.com.. Not matter if its a bit expensive too..

Some guys provide u domains for cheap.. But they dont give u complte cntrol over the domain.. i mean u dont have access to Control Panel..

Make sure u get access to control panel.. Make sure u have direct control over DNS settings(Nameserver) so that can change ur host whnevr u want... Also make sure u have control over MX settings.. Using this, u can set-up your mail service..
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