What type of Guide do you want

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Hi All,

Well guys i have got a new hobby now writing Guides , sharing my research.
Well i always love to share what i have so that others can benefit from it.

Do let me know what type of guides do you want.
If i have a solution to it and if you and many other people are benefiting from it i will make a guide for it and post it.

Thanks for your encouragement.

I have enjoyed each day at TE since i have become a part of it.
Its my second home now.

Well if i am not able to write a guide for it , others out there who can help are also welcome to write it.

Waiting for your request.

Well each request will take time to complete as it requires a lot of time
and patience in writing one. please be patient if it takes time to fulfill
your request.

Quad Master
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