what was the creator thinking?

Nowadays the “This Page Intentionally Left Blank”-Project (TPILB-Project) tries to introduce these blank pages to the Web again. One reason is to keep alive the remembrance of these famous historical blank pages. But it is the primary reason to offer internet wanderers a place of quietness and simplicity on the overcrowded World Wide Web—a blank page for relaxing the restless mind.

Internet wanderes can keep their homepage blank and stare it all they want . What a waste of time :p
haha good one. i still see some documents from companies like balance sheets and reports where the second page which is blank has the notation 'this page is intentionally left blank' :lol:
^^ The underlying message is often more important than the blank page. But then again, the message that one chooses to pick out of the same situation is not the same for every individual. I for one, see it as a reminder of the excessive

mind pollution that we face everyday and as an opportunity to use this reminder to get more conscious of ourselves.