What would you like to see in future games ?

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So NFS Carbon is out and its boring. So is Just Cause and FEAR Extraction Point. Pepped up gfx isnt doing anything for me as of now. And i dont know why game developers dont understand it. I dont know weather its just me or others feel the same too...

The few games i am looking forward to are Bioshock and ofcourse Crysis. I want to see something new. Something different. Gravity gun was different and so was NFS PU. What are you guys looking forward in future games.
Looking forward to only 2 games this year.. Well 3..

In order of preference..

UNREAL TOURNAMENT 2007 ! (Yes, im a BIG fanboi)..

Crysis (just for the the amazing graphics)

HL2 : Ep2 (Coz i LOVE the HL2 series)
When it comes to NFS series, I want decent handling with decent graphics and no stupid "villains" (with too much attitude) and I dont need a storyline.

And a very important factor for me and many other poor people..... The games should scale well.

I have no complaints if Crysis struggles on my comp. IT deserves to. But not Carbon.

This is my opinion. Chaos said something abt NFS Carbon using DirectX9.0c threads or something and that is why it struggles on older cards....

For me, that doesnt matter. I am not a technical expert. If it looks good, then fine....but if it looks like a 2 yr old game, I want it to play well on my comp.
Personally I'm a sci-fi junky. However shoving a laser pistol in the hands of your character and calling a game a sci-fi game is hardly what I look for.

I would really like it for a new game to take the sci-fi concept one step further. How? I have no idea, but it would need to go beyond flashy graphics. Hell, I'm (currently!) still replying System Shock 2 and while there has been a few mods to improve graphics, it's still a 1999 game!

Granted this is not a pure shooter, but they still took the time to build a story and create gameplay elements that make the story believable.

Deus Ex Invisible Wars would have been a great game if it was done to appeal to the hardcore Deus Ex 1 fans.

Will BioShock live up to the hype (and hope) it's generating? :huh: who knows!
Diablo 3.

But no fancy 3d graphics, they really should retain the 2d look and make use of slick hi-res 2d art, somewhat like the newer Street Fighter games.
I mostly play strategic games and after Company of heroes, I have to say the genre only seems to be progressing in the right direction. So no complains or wants here.
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