PC Peripherals Whats so special about those costly gaming mice & pads

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Hi Guys

Was just wondering why people spent 2K+ on Mouse.

I have Microsoft Optical Mouse Rs 850. and am happy with it.

But just for knowledge purpose and wanted to know ur views on why do u spend so much on a mouse :P

1.>Wanted to know about the different gamming mouse with there price.
Also the mouse u have and ur experience.

2.> Also wanted to know what are the + points over a normal optical mouse.

3.> Also what are these gamepads , do they really help.:huh:

I have just heard about MX318 & MX518.
Have to agree with Chaos. Even though not really a gaming mouse, I had a MS Intelli 4.0 which was waay better than the basic logitech optical I had.

Now it has stopped working on my comp and it works at the service centers comp ! :(
I am now feeling the pinch going back to the old logi mouse.
jeeese ... I paid Prime 4.5k for my Logitech MX500 mouse a couple of years back. Works fine even now.
Ummm... Let me see... What can you do with good precision mice... HEADSHOTS!!!!

You would love gliding on your desktop with 2000 DPI if you arnt a gamer :bleh:
well, ive used a few mouse and imo

Used a ball mouse at first, then got this MS wheel mouse optical, was quite happy with it but used to wonder why i was not that accurate with it, and it was not that fast as well (used to and still play with 8 sensi)

Then used a Copperhead on an exatmat, omg what feel, completly different, at first, cudnt even hold it steady, then got a hang of it and must say, mice do make a different, whatever one has to say i dont care, uve got to use it to decide..

now using a MX 518, dont actually like it, its accurate as well as fast, but hard to control it compared to a razer mouse because razer offers tht individual x and y axis sensi change which is a great advantage...

now comes the mouse pad part..

used the copperhead on cloth as well, didnt actually like it, it was too rough, not smooth at all, where as on that exactmat, it was gliding like on ice, and the surface do actually affect the feel of the mouse and thats what matters the most in the end..

what ive got to say is that, when ur playing online FPS games, a gaming mouse is a must, if not, a regualr mouse would do too...
I have been using a MX510 for the last one year or so. Got a MX1000 a few days back. My experience is that while shifting from a normal mouse to these more expensive mice, initially I did not feel a HUGE difference. But now that I am used to these mice, I do not want to go back to those ordinary ones. I miss the extra buttons and smoothness of mouse movement.

But I must say, in both the cases of my mouse upgrades my initial reaction was like "thats it? Why the hell does this one cost 3000 bucks?" BTW, I do not use mousepads and do not play much FPS games.
The mice can make a difference.

The pads on the other hand - ruthless product pushing.
They make some difference, but not even close to justify spending $25 on a square foot of rubber.
A Rs.10 clothpad glides just fine.
my logitech cordless duo (KB + Mouse) worth 4.5k is still perfect even after 2 years (with my kindof usage) & I cannot say the same about the cheaper logitech's , etc I have used & so button friendly & comfy though I have :crash: it several times & dropped loads of :beer: on it, I feel it will die soon but it does not...
@Rave: Doesn't the 518 also have separate resolutions for the x and y axes? I thought it did.

@quad: A quality mouse really makes all the difference. Apart from the gaming aspect, if you're into designing then you'll even be able to draw more accurately. Take msn messenger 7's writing option, a better mouse really makes your handwriting better!

In any case, I find 2000 DPI quite unmanageable at 1024x768 (monitor can't get any higher anyway). With the G5, I normally set it to 800 DPI in the Windows GUI and step it up to 1200 when gaming.
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umm...i like the feel , the way ur pa;lm fits on the mice n extra buttons on these mice :D

i want one even though i'm not a gamer :P
tracerbullet said:
@Rave: Doesn't the 518 also have separate resolutions for the x and y axes? I thought it did.

@quad: A quality mouse really makes all the difference. Apart from the gaming aspect, if you're into designing then you'll even be able to draw more accurately. Take msn messenger 7's writing option, a better mouse really makes your handwriting better!

In any case, I find 2000 DPI quite unmanageable at 1024x768 (monitor can't get any higher anyway). With the G5, I normally set it to 800 DPI in the Windows GUI and step it up to 1200 when gaming.

nope, the MX 518 dosent have those individual x and y axis settings, and i like my MS optical mouse over that, lol...

and yes, that 2k dpi matters if u ask me, imgine u are getting shot from behind, or u hear someone comming from behind, u need to turn as quick as u can and shot or ull be dead, with lower dpi's u need to move mouse more compared to higher dpi, sure you can increase the sensitivity, but it kinda looses its accuracy then, anything about 1600+ dpi is very very usefull...
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