What's the average age of people on TechEnclave and Erodov - how come Indian colleges don't have their own board/forum?

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Veek M

So I was wondering because I had a basic question in Chemistry and I didn't want to use r/Chemistry (reddit) or Freenode. Is there a board frequented by Indian students (that is fully functional and popular) where you could ask questions and such? I am guessing the bandwidth costs would be a deterrent within India but text bases BBSs exist so..

(In school we were taught atomic packing FCC/BCC etc - if you recollect - quite basic and since we tend to forget - I certainly do, therefore I wanted some clarity on the arrangement of atoms - the B-plane atoms - are there just floating in that odd arrangement or do they contribute to the next unit cell like the A plane atoms) (Ashby - Materials Book - quite good) like this?

I get a lot of these kind of doubts so I was wondering Reddit r/Chemistry you can't constantly bother professional chemists and it's not Indian in the sense that - out of our education system so it would typically be cleared up in class. It's a doubt that ought to be in the textbook except you need to Google a bit and scratch your head a bit...
I eventually figured it out via google but it's the sort of doubt that everyone in class will encounter, so someone might have googled it before you: https://faculty.uml.edu/ndeluca/84.334/topics/fig0203c.gif
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Answering question in the title -

I am not very sure but the average age of forum members on techenclave must be between mid 30s. The spectrum might extend from late 20s to 40 upwards but considering how TE peaked between 2005 and 2010 and most members that joined back then were in late teens or early 20s and now the forum plays second fiddle to Whatsapp and other social media options.

Even the most loyalist members of the forum have formed clusters and moved to whatsapp or telegram groups.

As for your queries with regards to Chemistry I would recommend joining any of the international forums. College or nationality makes no difference to chemical composition or behavior
Also you will benefit more on an international forum compared to an Indian forum. You will not only get a larger spool and better explanations.
1. ah yes, thanks, I had no idea regarding whatsapp and telegram - I don't use a smartphone so..
2. well broadly I agree and I do post on reddit, studentroom UK, USENET, IRC etc but it's still nice/essential to have something local..
if someone feels lack of something, should step forward to fill up the gap !

if you are a student / a teaching professional then try to gather a group to start a
relevant platform (can be a web forum / google group / fb or telegram group ... etc)

btw, see (again) search results => india+chemistry+forum
if someone feels lack of something, should step forward to fill up the gap !
if you are a student / a teaching professional then try to gather a group to start a

*purr* - srsly glad I decided to try this place
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