What's your perspective on the India's future?

What's your perspective on the India's future? (Votes are anonymous)

  • It's a sinking ship

  • Gradual decline ahead

  • Steady as she goes

  • Bright future on the horizon

  • Golden age incoming

Results are only viewable after voting.
Well you will be investing everything into your preference of asset and taking out only what's needed and when. This way you combat inflation and gain back a few percentage as well. If we assume inflation to be at a fixed rate of 7% (it's lower but lets assume) and you gain 10% ROI (which is an expected return on S&P 500, 12-15% for mutual funds) that will leave you with 3% which depending on your corpus can be a large amount of passive income. 3% of 10 crores is 2 lakhs 50 thousnd PER MONTH.
Didn’t get the “left with 3%” part. Could you please explain the math again? Thanks
Didn’t get the “left with 3%” part. Could you please explain the math again? Thanks
You have 100 Rs in 2024.
Inflation is 7%
You are getting a return of 10% from your investment.
Now in 2025 your 100 are now 110 Rs with the return.

BUT, due to inflation now 107 Rs will get you similar stuff as 100 Rs from 2024.
So even though you got 110 Rs with 10% return, your actual POST inflation adjustment is just 3%.

Hope that helps.

Two questions for you,​

  1. What's your perspective on the India's future?
  2. How are you personally preparing for that?

My take,​

It's been a year since we got properly introduced to AI. But, my take hasn't changed.

Things that happened in one year. (This is what I have seen)​

  • AI can code better than most of the top-level tier 10x coders.
yeaaa no, I'm not gonna even bother commenting on the other doom saying bullshit which has been repeated ad nauseam throughout the last 2 decades but if you think AI is anywhere near your so called "10x coders" or if you think that's all that's needed then you are ignorant at best or deluded at worst of how capable AI really is or what we SDEs do at higher levels.

For me personally the future is looking pretty sweet, these idiotic C Suites are gonna **** around with Ai for the next few years and then will end up paying engineers like me 20x down the line to clean up the mess AI made.
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yeaaa no, I'm not gonna even bother commenting on the other doom saying bullshit which has been repeated ad nauseam throughout the last 2 decades but if you think AI is anywhere near your so called "10x coders" or if you think that's all that's needed then you are ignorant at best or deluded at worst of how capable AI really is or what we SDEs do at higher levels.
I don't think all coding jobs will go away. Somebody will be required maintain legacy, secrete, proprietary type coding work.

In my opinion, coders who are good at problem solving will turn into software architect (vibe coding is it?). No idea what others will do.
I don't think all coding jobs will go away. Somebody will be required maintain legacy, secrete, proprietary type coding work.

In my opinion, coders who are good at problem solving will turn into software architect (vibe coding is it?). No idea what others will do.
this is what you dont get, to give more context, I am a senior SDE, and these days writing code is maybe like 10% of my daily work, its been months since I have done what you consider coding, coding is the easy part, knowing what to code and more importantly whether to code is the hardest part, if you are even a little familiar with programming or are in a tech adjacent job, I would send you a couple of articles on what engineering actually looks like in a big org.

LLMs handle semantic reasoning decently, it does not do well with any other task, basic programming stuff? its really good, add even a little bit of nuance? its gonna crap the bed, and if you knew just how much money OpenAI, Microsoft, Google etc are bleeding, then you would change your opinions real quick.

Let me put it in this way:

When Excel was introduced, all accountants cried that they are gonna lose their jobs and yet what happened? Same is what's gonna happen with AI
These things gonna increase considering the BJP controls most of these depts, and they don't like the fact that people chose different party over there. Either way, it's a common practice throughout the country.

Anyway, I would have taken court dates. Practically, these are not binding. It's easier to settle such fines after a few years in a lok adalat for a huge discount.
Was the same with Congress too, its just internet wasnt there then, so non-business folks just didnt get to experience the bullshit that was prevalent there. Just to give you a small sample: We used to get these informal chits/invoices from RTOs across all cities/states where we shipped our stuff, like literally pay bribe, get a chit, show that chit to another RTO if they stopped you and pray that they will let you go, sometimes we even had to pay thrice for the same chit.

Ease of doing business has actually gotten way better in the last few years, specially with GST, now you simply need an E-WAY bill for your truck and the deliveries, and these ****ers can do shit about it, same for roadways, our trucks used to get stuck outside cities for days because there was no entry in days for trucks in most major cities and there were no highways back then and (this was true just half a decade ago too), now delivery times are just half.

But I do agree with you a little, ease of business might have gotten better but economy isnt, peeps just arent paying money for products, some of it is the current state of the world and some of it is BJP's hair brained schemes. I can go on and on about but romanticising the past while criticising the present is just debating in bad faith.

And this is true not just for business, but for every other issue too, whether it be religious extremism, corruption or any other thing, its just most folks werent exposed to it, but all of this has been commonplace for me even back in early 2000s
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People who mention reservation as a problem without mentioning the barbaric caste system should never be taken seriously. Eradicate caste, we wont need reservation at all, its that simple. How do you do that ? Inter-caste marriage. PERIOD
you wanna eradicate caste? eradicate reservation, simple, caste wont go away among dehatis, they are dehatis for a reason and they will remain dehatis in the future too, but among educated folks? atleast in my circle, reservation breeds resentment, Me and my friend who is an SC, we both sat for JEE, we both scored similar marks, me? I didnt get shit, him? he scored a CSE seat in IIT Roorkee, and the worst thing? he didnt need it, his family was rich, his father had a good government job, yet my househelp, who's illiterate, has 3 sons, who cant even afford sweets on festivals or even a mobile phone for years, wont get any help from government because he was unfortunately born as a general caste.

And OK, its fine to have reservation at B.Tech, peeps should get some leg up from poverty, and let's stretch it to M.Tech/PHD too, and if we stretch is really far, even govt jobs, but no it doesnt end here, there's reservation even with govt promotions TOO! its mediocrity at every level starting from bottom to the top, How do you expect any goverment to function at a higher level, when its crippled by bullshit like this? And the even more sad thing? peeps who need reservation are denied yet peeps who are rich, benefit from it

and this is true for many schemes, like MNREGA, earlier we used to have exclusive stores that used to give out grains/wheat/lentils/rice etc, I saw queues lining across entire blocks during distribution day, and guess what? not even half used to get these free grains, 70-80% of that shit used to end up on open market and sold on market price. People who actually need such schemes never benefit from it
Well you will be investing everything into your preference of asset and taking out only what's needed and when. This way you combat inflation and gain back a few percentage as well. If we assume inflation to be at a fixed rate of 7% (it's lower but lets assume) and you gain 10% ROI (which is an expected return on S&P 500, 12-15% for mutual funds) that will leave you with 3% which depending on your corpus can be a large amount of passive income. 3% of 10 crores is 2 lakhs 50 thousnd PER MONTH.
you do know, that MF returns are compounding? its not a straight, you invest 100RS, you get 115 next year, for shorter term this might be true, but for longer term, hell no
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you wanna eradicate caste? eradicate reservation, simple, caste wont go away among dehatis, they are dehatis for a reason and they will remain dehatis in the future too, but among educated folks? atleast in my circle, reservation breeds resentment, Me and my friend who is an SC, we both sat for JEE, we both scored similar marks, me? I didnt get shit, him? he scored a CSE seat in IIT Roorkee, and the worst thing? he didnt need it, his family was rich, his father had a good government job, yet my househelp, who's illiterate, has 3 sons, who cant even afford sweets on festivals or even a mobile phone for years, wont get any help from government because he was unfortunately born as a general caste.

And OK, its fine to have reservation at B.Tech, peeps should get some leg up from poverty, and let's stretch it to M.Tech/PHD too, and if we stretch is really far, even govt jobs, but no it doesnt end here, there's reservation even with govt promotions TOO! its mediocrity at every level starting from bottom to the top, How do you expect any goverment to function at a higher level, when its crippled by bullshit like this? And the even more sad thing? peeps who need reservation are denied yet peeps who are rich, benefit from it
It's unfortunate but the solution is already given. You can change that for the future Gen without any effort. Since educated folks in this country dont believe in disgusting caste system, they can always marry a lower caste (whatever they call low/mid/high/superhigh) and their baby gets the same benefits (high/low/mid), this way they can take adv of the system & eradicate caste in the process. Bright future ahead for the country as well.
Rich will get richer poor will get poorer.
i would highly recommend to watch this video something similar has just happened with my friend today,
how the actual F india's taxation system is this shyt, like even the people sitting at income tax department are this idiot. my friend recently got income tax notice of 1,75,00,000. he is a farmer, his portion of land went in highway expansion.
(dont get too happy/sad/jealous the real worth of land was higher than the reimbursment he got)
and he fought nearly a decade to get right reimburment and is still fightning cuz the land acquition people and road/highway tender guys made wrong road and bigger portion of his land is missing, but on paper kuchh alag hai, real life mai alag hai land size remaining, koi kidhar kuchh nahi match ho raha hai, and now he is been handed this notice after nearly 4 years.

whats funny is that IT department can see/sees ALL of this on their end, the notice, transactions and all the bs, lekin nahi phir bhi kabaddi khelni hai.
Since educated folks in this country dont believe in disgusting caste system
I have not seen education making people more liberal in their life choices. I have seen top college rankers with 1cr salary can be just as castiest/racist as an uneducated one. They could even be NRI. Check matrimonial ads.

LLMs handle semantic reasoning decently, it does not do well with any other task, basic programming stuff? its really good, add even a little bit of nuance? its gonna crap the bed,
That crap part is changing, though.

An LLM is one part of the equation. I was not talking about LLM as just a glorified auto-complete.

Today, an autonomous AI agent can create a basic tool, app, game, site, video with just a prompt. That includes architecture, coding, testing, and even publishing.

If AI was a person, I'll say it's only in the second year of engineering. We will see it's evolution.

Ease of doing business has actually gotten way better in the last few years, specially with GST, now you simply need an E-WAY bill for your truck and the deliveries, and these ****ers can do shit about it, same for roadways, our trucks used to get stuck outside cities for days because there was no entry in days for trucks in most major cities and there were no highways back then and (this was true just half a decade ago too), now delivery times are just half.
E-way bill is one example. Can you provide more? Something that got spectacularly better? With time, everything was supposed to get streamlined, regardless what party is in the Govt.

In the VAT era, I was filing one return every six months and when it became GST, I found myself filing 4 returns every month. Back then, I had programmed my solution for reconciliation, and it worked a treat during VAT. When GST arrived, nobody knew what was what. It was chaos. I was adjusting/refactoring my solution every week to match new norms. I had no bandwidth left to do any actual business.
you do know, that MF returns are compounding? its not a straight, you invest 100RS, you get 115 next year, for shorter term this might be true, but for longer term, hell no
Isn't that better than? There is more earning with compound interest than with simple interest. I talk big for someone who hasn't actually invested anything yet so forgive and correct me If I'm wrong. lol
I have not seen education making people more liberal in their life choices. I have seen top college rankers with 1cr salary can be just as castiest/racist as an uneducated one. They could even be NRI. Check matrimonial ads.
Exactly my point. They never will change but whine about reservation. Reservation exist because Casteist exist, if you complain about affirmative action over the actual problem you're the problem. How are you going to solve country's problem, if you cant even identify/admit where the problem is ??

People who are proud of their caste should also compare their percentage within their caste and be better. If you're not a Casteist and caught upon by the creamy layer, you should BLAME your parents for not using inter-caste marriage to their advantage and/or too poor to able to send you overseas for studies OR you're too dumb to not able to leave country on your own in this day/age. Simple Fact !!

I blame my parents, mostly myself coz no one owes you anything.
Reservation exist because Casteist exist,
I think reservation today is no longer a solution for solving poverty, backwardness or castism.

One of my friends hails from an extremely remote place in Rajasthan. They keep goats, live an extremely frugal nomadic lifestyle. The friend said, most people have never been to a doctor in their whole life. It is common for someone to die from a minor injury. People are replaceable. And, his caste doesn't get any reservation.

In this country, even to get a reservation, your caste needs to be prospered enough to have a voice. The voiceless are ignored and forgotten.

Marathas in Maharashtra will eventually get reservation despite being the largest landowner in the state. They don't fit the criteria. Still, why? They have the voice!

Returning to our main point, reservation is no longer an antidote for castism. If it was, then we would have been cured by now. It's been 75 years.

Having one issue with castism does not imply that we need to create another.
I think reservation today is no longer a solution for solving poverty, backwardness or castism.
Reservation is about representation of the voiceless not eradication or uplifting anyone from poverty. Its a number on paper decided based on whatever influences/past exploitation one group faced and has long forgotten. There is always a gap in all measures undertaken by the Govt and many are still ignored/forgotten. Whether this has done enough to the needy or caused damage cannot be deducted without a proper census across the country but no one wants to dig that, esp politicians do not like to open that box.

So, we cannot claim it as major issue just because a few handful couldn't get into the college they desire.

Some would even say, a country of 1.45 billion people mostly filled with below avg IQ individuals & hasn't done anything significant in its known history should not cry foul over reservation.

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