> Not to argue but majority of WhatsApp users in India {read about are aged people in family and maximum are novice users}
Old people indeed may be less technical-savy, more prone to believe in unscientific things, etc. may be right.
But to say old people are primary users of whatsapp have to be abject misinformation.
Many corporations here themselves provide whatsapp based information and updates to all age groups.
I don't think you will find a single youngster not using whatsapp, can you inform old people here what is the new chick-thing messenger so hip in youngisthan ? Insta, after sukerberg told fb is for old peeples ? lol.
btw, found whatsapp channels helpful in keeping local small business groups organized when administered properly, no more random new message indicators on each group independently (whatsapp notifications can be perceptually disabled also). In our area, there is a whatsapp group which is tightly managed for busing and selling by local farmers /producers, quick labor help, etc.; the group manages it well and they utilized channels optimally, found it good.