WhatsApp processed an incredible 18 billion messages on 31st December, 2012



The Cross platform internet messaging application, WhatsApp, had a great 2012, and ended the year on a very bright note as well. WhatsApp confirmed via twitter that the $0.99 app, sent and received a whopping 18 Billion messages on 31st December, 2012. WhatsApp tweeted (https://twitter.com/WhatsApp/status/286591302185938946) this news on Wednesday, and it stated that there were 7 billion messages inbound and 11 billion messages outbound. The previous record was 10 billion messages.

Sometime ago, they had simplified that "Just how much is 1 billion messages? That is 41,666,667 messages an hour, 694,444 messages a minute, and 11,574 messages a second." Truth be told, that is a LOT of messages.

If you are wondering how there are more outbound messages than inbound, another tweet also explained that. "Sending one (message) into group chat of 10 people is 1:10 inbound:eek:utbound,"

If you're not exactly sure what WhatsApp is, it is a communicating app, available on various mobile operating systems, such as Android, iOS, BlackBerry, Nokia S40, Symbian, and Windows Phone devices, and it allows users to exchange images, messages, audio, etc without a paid SMS plan, and it only uses the internet that you're on, whether it is Wi-Fi or Edge/3G.
