CPU/Mobo When are you moving to Core i7

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Well the Nehalem CPUs are out, X58 mobos have started appearing and decent DDR3 RAM is now affordable (When I checked last a DDR3 1333 kit of 2x2GB was $100).

So whose jumping to LGA1366 and when?
Not anytime this yr or probably the next. Till all games keep playing at fairly high settings on my E4500 @ 2.7G, I am sticking to it :)
yeah no need to upgrade as long as I can play latest games on my current rig.

But hardcore enthusiast will surely upgrade soon.
Me just jumped on Penryns with E7300. At best I will go a for a yorkfield in second quarter of 2009+ next gen card from ATI/Nvidia/Intel in Q3.

I will probably give i7 a miss. Westmere in 2010 could be the upgrade option if there is nothing good on AMD side by then... :oppo:
Q2 2009, above people will change mind too, performance comes @ premium, nothing surprising if this platform is pricey. Q6600 was launched on Jan 2007 at US $851. Now $ 180 ? So not to hate Intel. :bleh:
im not upgrading atleast for a year ,my Q9550 at 4ghz is better than stock i7 anyway and no fun in overclocking i7 and DDR3 too expensive currently . will think about upgrading when they launch more better models of core i7 .
Core i7?...Where's the f..f&$^&& need?:P

For general usage C2D's are good enough.:)
Games don't benefit much from Core i7...atleast the price doesn't justify it.

Whose left now?...hardcore enthusiasts!:P

The point is, most folks will upgrade only when C2D's actually start disappearing from shelves and are eventually replaced by similar priced Core i7s.
Well the only people going to core i7 I think are the rippers and 3d modelling and those programming guys which occupy a much less part of the market.

i7 is just a procy for non enthusiasts and non gamers who can even take advantage of the technology in the place where they want to.

Its not for us.

We will have to wait for the next gen procy to come before we see any significant changes in i7
As per Anandtech review, the performance leap from Nehalem from Penryn is not substantial, atleast in gaming
In certain cases, performance is tab lesser

I dont see anyone with Penryn jumping to Nehalem in the recent future, from gaming pov
I'll consider upgrading in Jan-Feb'09 once proper benchies are available. Upgarde will also depend on the GPU in the market at that time i.e. if GPU requiring high cpu could be a criteria for upgarde
RoBoGhOsT said:
im not upgrading atleast for a year ,my Q9550 at 4ghz is better than stock i7 anyway and no fun in overclocking i7 and DDR3 too expensive currently . will think about upgrading when they launch more better models of core i7 .

:rofl: you are lying this time, soon you will sell whole stuff in market section,just after settling Core i7 price :rofl:
zhopudey said:
When I can afford it :D

Seriously! I don find any reasons why others shouldn't upgrade to an i7 system. If its affordable, I'll get it. Heck, if it happens with AMD, beating the i7s later on, I'd happily go for it! :)
Well 1st lemme Upgrade to Core 2 Duo :(

Stuck on a 3 Yr Old Sony Vaio having Pentium M.

So unless Nehalem is released for laptops by say August next yr Core2 duo it is.
overclocked said:
When my pay package will make the expnediture look minute..

every man's dream....
bt soon we will run for sumthin we cant afford :P cnt help..human nature :)
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