Kaleen Bhaiya
Hello, I have a Hitachi 1.2 ton Follow Me Split Ac. It was purchased in February 2010. Now its more than 1.5 years for the AC and all is working fine. However i have some clarifications to be made to ensure that my AC runs longer.
How ofter do i have to clean the Plastic filter. Whenever the red light pops up i take it out for cleaning using a vacumm cleaner and then dipping in bucket full of water and drying it in sun. Still every filter has its life and one day i may have to replace it. So how often do these filters last before its time to replace. Also are there any other maintenance tips of how to keep your AC work longer.
How ofter do i have to clean the Plastic filter. Whenever the red light pops up i take it out for cleaning using a vacumm cleaner and then dipping in bucket full of water and drying it in sun. Still every filter has its life and one day i may have to replace it. So how often do these filters last before its time to replace. Also are there any other maintenance tips of how to keep your AC work longer.