For years Michael McColly had no bed, no furniture and lived out of a suitcase. When he contracted H.I.V. in 1995 doctors warned him against traveling. But McColly decided to heed his inner voice instead. "Travel has become my antidote: the farther I go the more aware I become of what has kept me alive -- my desire to be in and of the world ... If I had listened to the fears of people I know or read about, I'm certain I wouldn't be alive today -- maybe breathing, but not alive. There's a difference." Michael’s journey took him to four continents as he visited countries affected by AIDS while writing a moving memoir of the experience. Read this New York Times article in Michael’s own words about how his journey towards health, spirituality and activism began.
Read More:
When Travel Is the Best Medicine - New York Times
Website(New) :
Michael McColly's Web site
U Enter a New Dimrnsion of Life!
Read More:
When Travel Is the Best Medicine - New York Times
Website(New) :
Michael McColly's Web site
U Enter a New Dimrnsion of Life!