Where can I buy a *genuine* xbox controller for PC

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^ If you observe, Xbox Symbol closely, mostly all controllers have matte finish and not glossy finish. Been using same Xbox controller last 6 years and it is spot on to identify the difference. The boxing contains some scripts in Chinese. The box I have, did not contain any scripts in Chinese.
One more thing to share/ highlight is that instead betting your money on Xbox controller, you may consider buying a Logitech F 310 which retails around 1200 bucks online. Only issue with F310 is that it doesn have vibrator motor in it. Its better than getting a duplicate controllers. Planning to order a Logitech F710 wireless controller which retails for 2.5K online. Plus, logitech carries 3 years warranty too.

Yeah I first considered logitech too, but then I thought, "what if I go for the best in the market? Surely Microsoft controllers will be better than logitech ones". Little did I know I would have to face issues like these.

Anyway, I have already placed a replacement request and I'm sitting with my fingers crossed. But if you're saying that this controller is a fake, then I have to admit it's a pretty good one. They got almost everything right, inline release, weight, cable length. I would have checked the light thing too (only one quadrant lighting up in genuine vs the entire circle around the X in fake) if the controller worked. I hope the replacement is genuine (will need more scrutiny as I haven't even seen/held a genuine one in real life before), but if not, I'll go for the logitech (whichever has vibration).

PS- If it's not too much trouble, can you send me a picture of your controller please? I want to see what does the X symbol look like, and compare it with mine. Thank you.
Got the Logitech F710, I am not able to connect with Windows 10 and there I read it online, its PITA getting it to work on Windows 10. Will never recommend this to anyone. Sorry guys, my bad.
That's tough man, but it is quite an old controller.

I'm using the Xiaomi controllers with Win10 though and they're quite good. I'm going to buy an XBONE controller soon though for about 2.6k. I'll let you guys know if it's original.
That's tough man, but it is quite an old controller.

I'm using the Xiaomi controllers with Win10 though and they're quite good. I'm going to buy an XBONE controller soon though for about 2.6k. I'll let you guys know if it's original.
Keep us posted on Xbox One controller. Good that I bought a used one among my friends circle. Can return it back to him.
So I got the replacement from Flipkart, and I would appreciate it if you guys can tell me whether this is genuine or not.

1. Everything is exactly the same as the one I returned. There is inline, weight is 300g, cable length 3m.
2. Unlike the previous one, this controller works. Connected to my Windows 10 laptop in no time, no driver installation required.
3. When I connected the USB, the lighting circle around the X symbol flashed 3 times, then only the 11 o'clock position stayed lit up
4. There was still no CD with the box, but there was a reading pamphlet which wasn't in the last box
5. The box still seems like it is of a different controller. The serial number on the box is again different than the one on the controller, the box is in a very rough shape (like it has been opened and closed many times before)
6. I can't tell whether the X symbol has a matte finish or glossy, since I haven't seen a genuine 360 controller in real life (I really hope this is one though)

I have attached the images below, kindly see if you can tell whether this product is also fake or not. Thank you


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Looks like a well made fake or a refurb. How much did you pay for it again?

Can we get a picture of the front? Where the cable connects.
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Looks like a well made fake or a refurb. How much did you pay for it again? Can we get a picture of the front? Where the cable connects.

Well it was a replacement so didn't pay anything this time, but the first time I had paid 2.6k for it. But my reason of worrying is, if this is a fake, how can a normal user (like me, who has never used/seen a controller before) tell the difference? Reviewers on Flipkart have given points to identify a fake one, like missing inline, less weight, entire circle around X symbol lighting up instead of 1 quadrant, cable length short, etc but I don't see any of these on the one that I have...

Attached the pictures of the cable.


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The controller has a glossy finish. Its not the matte finish. Sorry to the OP, I am not able to upload the pic as I am still out of station.
F310 is a great controller but I don't recommend it for 2 reasons -
1. Triggers - They are really hard after while your fingers really start paining.
2. Deadzone on the analogs. I tried playing a few shooters with this and the aiming was really slow due to this. (I tried this on Vanquish and TLOU on PS3). In a platformer this is not an issue.

The Mi Controller is not ideal for PC gaming as well. Here's a part of a review I had posted on the Mi Controller in the Whatsapp Gaming group when I bought it back in May from Gearbest.

[21:56, 1/17/2017] prabs: PC Gaming
[21:56, 1/17/2017] prabs: Once you have added the controller to PC it shows up in control panel and you can play games with it out of the box


[21:56, 1/17/2017] prabs: Ran RockNesX. Despite the Control Panel showing DPad the emulator didn't want to use the D-Pad, happens on Logitech in D-Input mode too
[21:56, 1/17/2017] prabs: Was easily configured and ran well
[21:56, 1/17/2017] prabs: Trying to configure it in ZSNES was a nightmare though
[21:56, 1/17/2017] prabs: The first button is detected well but after that the program or the controller went berserk and any button you tried to map took the same random button
[21:56, 1/17/2017] prabs: So ZSNES was not playable with this
[21:56, 1/17/2017] prabs: Then decided to test a proper game to see how well the controller works
[21:56, 1/17/2017] prabs: X360CE setup for F1 Challenge '99-02
[21:56, 1/17/2017] prabs: When configuring the controls in the game I noticed that the trigger sensitivity is a bit less than that of a 360 controller and not as sharp. In short what I mean is to reach max you had to hold down the trigger a bit longer
[21:56, 1/17/2017] prabs: Not an issue if you are playing a shooter or in most games but it does make a difference if you are playing a race sim where the game is demanding
[21:56, 1/17/2017] prabs: Same track and conditions
[21:56, 1/17/2017] prabs: Car set up for 1 flying lap with max revs, height lowered and 3 laps of fuel which comprises of 1 Out Lap, the flying lap and 1 In Lap
[21:56, 1/17/2017] prabs: Result with Mi Controller
[21:56, 1/17/2017] prabs: Lap time - 1:14:187
[21:56, 1/17/2017] prabs: Result with 360 Controller
[21:56, 1/17/2017] prabs: Lap time - 1:12:439
[21:56, 1/17/2017] prabs: I was actually going even faster on my 3rd Lap with 0.35+ seconds in hand but didn't have enough fuel to come back in
[21:56, 1/17/2017] prabs: With Mi Controller I was actually slower on the 3rd lap as I had burnt through the tyres because of the way the car handled with the Mi Controller
[21:56, 1/17/2017] prabs: The problem was the less sensitivity caused me to brake earlier or lock the tyres and slower acceleration out of the corners
[21:56, 1/17/2017] prabs: Resulting in severe tyre deterioration and non competitive lap times
[21:56, 1/17/2017] prabs: You can just compare the graphs to see how precise the throttle and brake inputs were on the 360 controller which resulted in me having a better line through corners as compared to mi controller where I was overshooting apexes and again braking to turn the car and hold the line causing the tyres to get scrubbed
[21:56, 1/17/2017] prabs: Overall the Mi controller is great and works with any device that has bluetooth or atleast gets detected (PS3)
[21:56, 1/17/2017] prabs: It is cheaper than a genuine 360 controller and works with freaking mi devices that don't support 360 controller or F310 over OTG
[21:56, 1/17/2017] prabs: If you are not using a Mi device and just looking for a good controller I would recommend a 360 controller or F310. F310 works with PS3 as well but has horribly hard triggers to press and hold down and don't even get me started on the deadzones of the analog sticks. So if you are looking for a good controller for PC and android devices get a 360 controller plus an OTG cable. If you are like me and have a freaking Mi device then the Mi Gamepad is for you

I bought the Mi Controller for my RN3 (-_-). The RN3 refused to detect the F310 and 360 controller.

Both F310 and Mi Controller has flaws but F310 is probably my favorite controller because of the interchangeability between the dpad and analog stick, D and X mode. 360 controller key mapping with Playstation like layout. Compatibility with PS3. What I don't like is the trigger.
You can change all of that though so I still think it's a good controller for the price. I also prefer the Xinput emulator I posted earlier over X360CE.

My XBONE controller shipped and will hopefully get here soon.
This is sad state; long back (like 5+ years); I ordered mine for just 1116.00. Still works great.

And how about buying it from Amazon.com? I checked and it is 40$ right now all inclusive; sold by Amazon itself. So chances of fake are rare; if it turns out to be rare; their CS should take care of it. Plus these things anyways have very less warranty.(3 months?).
@RedskyITM - The issue isn't the mapping via X360CE but input lag introduced over the bluetooth. You can see a slight shift in acceleration and braking and the fact that they are not as smooth as the ones with the 360 controller. Another thing that is worth noting is compare the pictures of the driving lines on the track. The parts between turn 2 and 3 or turn 4 and 5 have and arch that is because the way the game handled with the mi controller caused me to brake early and get down on power much later and with the car not as straightened as with the 360 controller all this led to me overshooting and not cleanly clipping corners and due to that I had to bring the car back on to the racing line to take the next corner. All of this and the stuff I posted in my previous post costed me a lot of time around the track and rendered the set up useless within 3 laps.

The Mi Controller is a great controller but it is not like a 360 controller which is good for almost every game as long as you don't need the d-pad. The Mi Controller is like the 360 controller but less precise. I love the triggers on the mi controller. If you don't need very precise inputs then the Mi Controller is definitely worth checking out.

@adi_vastava - I bought my 360 controller in 2009 and it still works. It had to be repaired once for A button not registering but that was it. At present it has 2 issues but doesn't affect the gameplay most of the times. Heck unlike the pic posted by @Vedant Pratap SIngh Jadon my controller says 'Microsoft' on the front near the cable instead of 'XBOX 360' - that is how old my controller is.
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