PC Peripherals Where can i find Deathadder mouse in Chennai?

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Hello every one. I have looked around in computer shops in Chennai for the Razer Deathadder mouse but had no luck. Please help me out. Thanks.
Gunman said:
Tried Delta Peripherals, The IT Depot?

Did u just dell ur old Razer DA? :S

I havnt tried these places that u mentioned. Will go to them. Can some one please be kind enough to give me the address for both :) .
I sold my DA long back thinking that i might not game much but these days i play quake3 like mad when ever i get the time.
Yeah, the itdepot is overpriced and I've heard people complain about prices going up on the site when a product receives a few hits :no:

Don't think the Delta guys stock Razer stuff .... Try RC Automation as well. They're all in and around Ritchie Street.
RC Automation
Narasingapuram Street, Anna Salai
Anna Salai
Phone: 044-28411648
I saw Razor products @ Mahavir Multimedia, close to Delta

i bought a slew of components from this shop recently and got best prices, so i would think prices of Razor products will also be reasonable there

Its available for 3670 or so, I recently ordered one but some thing funny happened and I my account got locked(some inactive account shit, no relation to this) and that order got cancelled. With the discount coupons listed in hot deals section, you should be able to get it for 3100. Turns out to be cheaper than KMD possibly. Dunno about getting it locally though. The merchant I was buying it from in ebay was from delhi. So... but he as offering free shipping. So 3160 = total pricing.

Good luck.

razer death adder, Computers Peripherals items at low prices on eBay India

Here you go.

Buy + coupon = win!
I remember ordering it direct from the razer site and came to about 3k shipped that time, you can try that route too
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