PC Peripherals Where can i find the Antec super Lanboy?

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^^had that for my b**ch rig before...a bit too narrow, n whiny 80mm fans...using a super lanboy now...i luv this cabby, its as silent as my p180!!..cable management is a breeze..this cabby just looks small
@ Appo, that's encouraging and a swat in the face of those who say that the SLanBoy isn't good :bleh:
i am the one who bough tit and sold it. And i never felt bad for doing so.

The front fan air dosent reach the mobo tray at all and to me it makes big difference. Even with additional fan in front of HDD cage it dosent circulated air well for me with 4 HDDs stacked in the HDD cage.

I sold it and got the server cabinet, moded it, added silent cooler master fans to it and i was using that

i also got the wavemaster which in my book is the sexiest cabinet out there and i rate it way higher than superlanboy. See if it can be found.

Superlanboy could have been a lot better if it has side fan option. I was really unhappy with the air circulation specially with every part of my system overclocked 24x7. :P
The most interesting feature of wavemaster for me is removable mobo tray. This cabint is with me for that reason more than anything else. :P
funkymonkey said:
The most interesting feature of wavemaster for me is removable mobo tray. This cabint is with me for that reason more than anything else. :P
Yup I agree... assembling the system outside the case is a real boon. Normally if it takes 20mins to put together a system, its more like 5 mins with the removable tray of the wavie!
Chaos said:
But then now the P180 is probably the best cabby to get in terms of airflow!

Yup I agree... assembling the system outside the case is a real boon. Normally if it takes 20mins to put together a system, its more like 5 mins with the removable tray of the wavie!

Even my Antec P160 has a removable tray - locked in by only one thumb screw.

With my P160 I always have a CPU temp of about 1 - 2 C over the rooms ambient temp I dont think temps could get better than that. I cannot see even water cooling bring down the temps below this - after all unless refigeration is invloved CPU temps can NOT go below the ambient temp - RIGHT ? :)

What I have wondered about the P180 - how is the power cable routed from the PSU to the Mother Board ? Is there a special duct or something like that ?

Anyone with the P180 please post some Pics of the inside of the case.
funkymonkey said:
i am the one who bough tit and sold it. And i never felt bad for doing so.
The front fan air dosent reach the mobo tray at all and to me it makes big difference. Even with additional fan in front of HDD cage it dosent circulated air well for me with 4 HDDs stacked in the HDD cage.
I sold it and got the server cabinet, moded it, added silent cooler master fans to it and i was using that
i also got the wavemaster which in my book is the sexiest cabinet out there and i rate it way higher than superlanboy. See if it can be found.
Superlanboy could have been a lot better if it has side fan option. I was really unhappy with the air circulation specially with every part of my system overclocked 24x7. :P
same goes for the wavemaster too!if you use 2-3 hdds the front 80mm fans r just enough for the hdds....n i prefer a silent running 120mm over the irritating noise of a 80mm anyday...i was using darks wavemaster before u bought it...apart from the looks which r awesome, that cabby sucks bigtime..the interior is soo plain!...my friend was running his a64 venice @ 2.4ghz, 2gb ram, 3 hdds, 2 dvdrws,7800gtx, a8n sli in the super lanboy for nearly 3-4 months....amazing temps n pin drop silence...i luv this cabby...and neways how can u compare two unequally priced cabbys?the super lanboy is for 5k n the wavemaster was for 9k...at that price u get the p180 which beats the crap outta the wavemaster
well not really. i have 3 hdds in my wavemaster. i have placed 2 at right bottom and 1 at top below the FDD.

There is sufficient air passing in between the HDDs.

I have added blow fan attachment at top and removed the USB ports.

Even at 3Ghz i am yet to see it touch 55C with XP-90. I dont take much efforts in interior looks but if properly done the cables can be routed from behind the removable tray. And atleast to me its silent enough. And i dont give a dam about the interiors ;)

I never cared about the inside cable management :P basically i dont have patience to do that.

You know the price at which i got the wavemaster. It was too good a deal to resist. And now the price of wavy is around 7K.

I know how silent t he SL is. I have experienced it myself. But i have a system which is oced to its max limits, back then i had P4 running at 3.4Ghz and 6800GT. Two very hot components. And lack of cool air comming in in that cabinet was keping temps to the unacceptable limits.

Same with my later A64 system. Upto 2.4is no big deal. When CPU reaches the 2.7-2.8Ghz mark the amount of heat its dumping is very high. If its not supplied with the fresh air things get preety hot.

With blowfan attached at the top wavy dumps the heat using 3 fans. back top and PSU fan. I know that neither you or darky installed the top fan bcoz that attachment was laying unused in tha package untouched :P

Makes a lot of difference.
My P160 is basically the same design as the Super Lanboy - the main difference is that the P160 is a bit taller and has one more 5.25" drive bay. They both have the same 2x120mm fan layout and the same HDD orientation and they are both made of Alumiuium. What I have done is added a third 120mm fan to the other side of the hard disk cage and see my temps taken right now. I do not have an A/C running in the room.

Can anyone suggest where can I check out the wavemaster in bombay ? also the 80 & 120 mm fans which you guys use, is there any specific make to buy ? I have a 3500+ with a8n sli premium (single graphic card with no over clocking) but my temp is always around - cpu=48 & system=52 though its on 24x7 :@ , am planning to either go for the lanboy or wavemaster...:clap:
Get the Super Lan Boy its cheaper that Wave master.
WaveMaster is not worth its cost , u get much better cabinets at that cost.

Super Lan boy is approx 5K without PSU.
With that u get a transparent side panel plus front glowing blue led 120mm fan. And also a rear 120mm Fan. so dont need to waste money on more fans.
Fell in LOVE(first cabby love) with a CABBY featured in the Atlon64 FX print ads- the one with the gamer dude!!
Then saw an Antec print advt with silver cabby wtith blue light behind bezel!!
Been in trance like state when found name- siver W A V E M A S T E R (with echo effect)!!
Then the rude awkening- Ex-coolermaster-dealer Prime and now coolermasterindia do not have it!!
Prime might still have 2 black wavemasters- thought of painting it silver- then realised won't get OE finish- waste of time and money!!
NEXT, Me wanted Super Lanboy too!!
But my place hot and dusty too!!:@
Don't think SLB will look very good with Amateur cable management and dust inside!! he he he...:ashamed:
Will have to clean it more often!!:P
Chk pis of Saiyan's rig and you will see the Master of cable management- Freaky- with his latest piece of art!!:hap2:
The antec3700AMB/AMG are cheaper with single stock 120 fan, if you return the OE PSU (4887/- with psu), But adding a Tricool 120(1750/-) slightly exceeds the measly discount by the dealer!! 3000B (4900/- approx) has no psu and 2 120 fans but almost same price as SLB!! They r mids unlike Supermini SLB!!
Was planning to move the std 120 to intake and adding aTC 120 to exhaust!! Unless new stock comes with TC120 as std fitment as is now with antec worlwide!!
else if u want to save some money, retain stock 120 at rear and add a cheaper Sunon120 or similar to intake!!
Exhaust matters more and wouldn't like it to fail while some mindless Gaming spree with headphones on!! Intake fan failure is not very critical i guess!! Ask my Gurus here too as they already know way more than i can possibly know in this lifetime!!
Also the additional space ofered at similar price (with additional antec fan) is too good to resist as performance, VFM is more important to me than Flaunt value!!
But in case you don't need extra space, The Super Lanboy is indeed Super!!
Chk Saiyan's rig's pics!!
Also saw it in person at the nVidia gallery(BBC)!!
Supercool Boss, especially with the Blue light of BIG6600GT!!:clap:
And absolutely D.I.S.C.O as Eazy rightly stated!!:tongue:
SLB was 5386/- all incl at Prime 3weeks back!!
The P160W comes with clearside panel, is a super mid unlike the supermini SLB but costs 9161/- without PSU at Prime, when i checked a couple of weeks back! anodised aluminium construction like SLB, 2 120 fans, removable Mobo tray, intake removable/washable air filter,...
I call it the SUPER Super Lanboy!! he he he...
But don't hav any moolah left for the timrbeing!!
And for a few hundred more, you can have the BAAP of Cool&Quiet cabbies...
the P180 (9873/-)!!
Eazy uses p160 has nice tips and tricks to make it cooler but even he Recoed the P180, if u have the moolah Sir!!
Always wanted Antec- Budget one if not better but...
Assembled my pc in an iBall Grabit coz 3700/3000 out of stock- now i know why my pal said he wouldn't buy iBall even if it was the LAST CABBY on this planet!!:@
Still waiting for stocks to arrive!!
Was told available in a day or two but 2weeks hav gone by- but am still waiting!! hope it arrives well before my time to report to hospital in Nov!!
I know i am forgetting something else... Damn OLD age!!:rofl:
will post it if i recollect wot!!
Yup- seen a thread on types of fans, comparison, etc.
Antec very good and very pricey too!! Coolermaster fans good too, maybe slightly cheaper!!
Heard lot about Sunon and heard inexpensive too!! My Pwersafe PSU has Sunon exhaust and pretty silent too!!
Request someone to post you a link to that FAN thread!! would hav done it if i only knew how!!:ashamed: :ashamed: :ashamed: :ashamed:
Till then, take your time coz u r not gonna raplace ur cabby for a very long time- think well!!
All the best!!
Yours sincerely,
Can you confirm if the powersafe 450W works with super lanboy as the dealer says it will not be compatible ? :thanx:
Baron said:
Can you confirm if the powersafe 450W works with super lanboy as the dealer says it will not be compatible ? :thanx:

WHAT !!! Not compatible like in different size ? Different mounting hole layout ?? Did he say why not compatible ?? Or is it not compatible as in he does not make enough money on a Powersafe sale ??
Quad Master said:
Get the Super Lan Boy its cheaper that Wave master.
WaveMaster is not worth its cost , u get much better cabinets at that cost.

Super Lan boy is approx 5K without PSU.
With that u get a transparent side panel plus front glowing blue led 120mm fan. And also a rear 120mm Fan. so dont need to waste money on more fans.

Well if the price ain't a concern, wavemaster is tonnes better than super lanboy anyday. Other than the fact that it uses 80mm fans, its superior to lanboy in every other way. Its a lot bigger, probably is the best looking cabby ever, is 2mm aluminium vs 1mm aluminium making it a lot sturdier, has lots better airflow if you connect the top chimney fan, (In fact with the default fans, the wavie will cool a lot better than what the lanboy would do with its factory 2x120mm fans) Has thumbscrews for everything other than drives, has a removable mobo tray.... List can go on and on. Having considered both while buying, I can safely say coolermaster's construction and workmanship is tonnes better than antec. But there's no real point going for the wavemaster anymore, its successor, the Praetorian 730 is already here. It comes with a front 120mm, 2x80mm in the rear and a top 80mm as an option. Doesn't look better than the wavemaster IMHO, but it looks a lot better than any other antec cabinet. Where to get coolermaster stuff in bbay now... that I'm not really sure!
@Chaos - I know that Wavemaster is really nice but i really feel its still costly.
There are better cabbies comming at that cost now.

Also reading reviews about CM Praetorian 730 is it available here.
I know it will be costly but still ne idea for ?????
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What recommedation on coolermaster range other than the wavemaster and the CM stacker. both are too pricey or too specialized for standard appz.
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