Graphic Cards Where can I get RAMsinks?


Hi everyone! I really don't understand why most graphic cards come without heatsinks mounted on them. I feel it is just as important to keep them cool along with the GPU itself. RAM is such a delicate things...

Anyways, am posting because I want to know where I can get ramsinks for my vid card. I'm open to all options, from cheap to expensive.

Also, please post any experiences you may have in using them and how it affected your overclocking efforts.

Many thanks!

Sidewinder Computers :)

Unless you heavily overclocking the memory 250 Mhz + you wont need them as GDDR3 tends to run pretty cool..
I have some good quality , original gfx card ram sinks as excessive stock.
4 pieces original Zalman (blue colour)
8 pieces original sapphire (copper / golden brown colour)
if interested PM me.
ps: it is ideal to use a thermal paste to stick the ram sinks. the 3m thermal pads (double sided sticky tape) used in most cards are not as efficient.
use arctic silver thermal paste (mixing of two tubes a.k.a. araldite) for best results but the drawback is you will not be able to remove the h/s in future as the joint is very strong and permanent.
@anish.. Yes GDDR3 runs cool but this is for a 7600GS (DDR2) whose memory tends to get a bit hot.. Do you know any place in India to get them?