Where should I buy?

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I guess this is a bit off-beat question, but I'm really confused about the 'where' part.

I'm opting for an i5 750 with an ATI HD 5850, 660W power supply, 500GB/1TB HDD, Coolermaster 212+, Coolermaster Sniper Cabinet, Asus P7P55D-e pro/Asus P7P55D Pro motherboard, with (2X2GB) 4 GB 1333/1600 MHz RAM
and a 22" monitor.

I'm going to use the computer mainly for gaming(might as well throw in an i7 860), other than that I do some very 'light' animating and video editing, nothing professional.

First of all, Would you like to differ from my opinion of this being a 'good build'?
Secondly(and mainly), Where can I buy all of these components. I live in Bhopal (Capital->MP) but there isn't even an i5 750 availible in stores!

I think the best way would be to buy it online, but I can't figure out which website is good for India. Newegg and Tigerdirect are great, but there only for te US, plus, I don't want to wait a lot for shipping.

Another way would be to go to Delhi/Mumbai, or most probably Indore(but travelling is not really possible at the moment)

So, what do you think? Is my build alright? If yes, then where can I get it?
One last thing, do you think buying in Singapore is a better Idea? What about the warranty? I'm going to Singapore in June, so even that is an option.
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