PC Peripherals where to buy amd 3700+ in mumbai

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hope this isnt a repost or somehting... i did a search in the forums found nothing..:(
anyway wanted to know where i can buy an AMD 3700+ with 1mb L2 cache..
i called few shops in lemmy...they said all they got is 3200+ nothing above that... any of u guys know where i can get that...ill be buyinh prolly on 31st or 2nd... so any suggestions...
or do anyof u guys sell... i wanted new one.. not a resale..
Any particular reason for buying the 3700+ SD chip.??

An opteron 939 144 /146 having 1MB cache would be much better and cheaper imho ....
cant really say the reason.. havent thought much bout it...
but guess opteron 144 is 1800mgh or so and i dont wanna OC the proccy...
mmm... also wanted it mainly for gaming...
somewhre i read in TE that 1mb L2 cache makes big difference in gaming...
...i have 3500+ s939 but m giving that to my cuz ...
so i felt as i m femilier with the AMD 64 3500+ line it would be better to take the 3700..also donno anything about Opteron..and m too lazy to do research :P
anyway... how much for and where to get that Opteron 146 in mumbai... i might give that a try... oh.. and if anyone knows where to get 3700+ here..... please do temme... thank u all. :)
hmmmm... k.. forget wt i wrote up...
just tell me the best proccy i can buy upto 20k ,,, here in mumbai...
please if anyone... switch .. any idea ? where to get it?
redscorpion_11 said:
cooool... thanx .. ill enquire bout opty 165 again.....
i guess since its dual core.. its a better buy over 3700+ :D

Well duh :P But remember u said u arent gonna OC. The opty 165 runs only at 1.8 Ghz while the 3700 runs at 2.2. Will make a difference in current games but dual core is the future.
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