Where to Buy ? : Canon S3 IS / Fuju S5X00

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Looking to buy a new S3IS from somewhere. Can someone guide me from where in Mumbai can i get the same ? The S5IS is for about 20k at jjmehta. But I'm looking towards a bit cheaper solution. Another CAM considering is the FUJI S5X00 , dont know exactly......was going for about 12k at jjmehta until last month , suddenly its not to be found out there nor was a able to spot / find one at 'Alfa' when I went to check it out.

Basically I'm looking out to push out from my limit of 3x Optical Zoom of my Canon IXUS 70.....This would be a very fast upgrade for me...... :rofl:

Suggestions invited. TYAIA.
hmm if its not available anywhere why dont you try Sifymall ??

its quiet reliable ..got a A720 IS for my uncle with 1 yr dealer warranty.

these are the offers on S3IS ..its around 15-16 k on sifymall ..i guess the prices have increased caused some time back they were selling it for 13k

Deals on S3IS
IIRC Private Ryan got one recently from somewhere for ~13k. Grey of course.

The S5 IS can also be got for ~15.5k grey man. Mumbai folks can help you better on places.
Well, jjmehta is selling 2 10x zoom cams for your price range.

The Sony H10 for 16k and the Canon SX100 IS for 16k. Both with 2GB cards.

They are smaller in comparison to the S3 and hence more portable as a take-anywhere camera. And I really doubt whether you'll use or even noticethe extra 52mm (432mm on the S3 vs 380mm on these). :)

@Kumar: Yes, definitely. But I dint know its available at that price with bill and warranty.

@Hanzy: If you're cool going the KMD route...then your options are multiplied at much lesser prices. :)

a big thank u to everyone who posted........

plans would materialize if i can manage to sell of my 3 months old ixus ( already in the market thread, but no one seems interested :) ) ......so lets see.......
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