Where to buy mangoes

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I just visited Big Bazar for their "sabse saste 4 din". What really caught my attention was they were selling carbide ripened mangoes (christened as "scientifically carbide ripened") in the open. And here I thought carbide were banned in India.

That aside, I remember there was a thread last time around to buy Alphonso/Kesar varieties of mangoes. Anyone can guide me to thread/sites where I can buy these mangoes? I have looked up some sites online like yummymangoes.in too. Are they reliable?
I never go to big bazaar. Useless store. Never great deals and their promotions of sabse sasta and buying junk and giving vouchers is all sham.
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Here in Hyderabad at least non-carbide ripened Mangoes will be sold by farmers directly near Industrial exhibition ground Nampally. Not sure about bangalore but there should be some place like this.
Go to the place from where all fruitwalla buy the stuff; in short mandai. In Pune you pick up best quality alphonsos from Market yard vegetable market at wholesale rates. You'll need to get atleast a crate (4-6 dozen) though !
Mostly chemically ripened mangoes are available all over India.

You don't know whom to trust. Never trust online sites, for buying fruits and stuff.

Also EU banned import of mangoes from India, so there is surplus of mango stocks in india, or Mumbai atleast.

So the rates of the mangoes are going to drop drastically.
Go with Yummangoes.in
Just received my order from there..
Received mangoes are not fully ripen yet.. Need to store them at room temperature for week to enjoy them....
Yesterday's pluckings.
Try Hopcoms. They sell a box of alphonsos 3.5kg around the Rs.400 mark. Their fruit prices are little over the market rate but quality is decent (when you can see what you buy). You can't see in the box. Though if you're a regular they will open it to check for damage before you buy.

Now your concern is about carbide ripening. Speeds up the process and the taste can suffer as a result.

Well these are green and you have to ripen them yourself. Will be ready a few days to a week.

As a general rule, if they're green there is no carbide used to ripen them :)

Thing is these are grown in the state. The maha guys get them from Ratnagiri.
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