KingKrool said:
But that (rc) does not explain why even when I had disabled a service for runlevels3&5 and rebooted, it still came on?
As for servers, well have you read the admin's manual? I haven't but maybe it gives some idea of how to use the damned thing.
hi kk,
u can use the
chkconfig --list |egrep '(3


n)' |awk '{print $1,$5,$7}'
and what u don't want to start automatically then do
chkconfig --level 12345 <service_name> off
other wise go to the corrosponding runlevel directory here:
cd /etc/rc.d/rcX.d
where X=runlevel
and remove the symbolic link to your service
Also plz have a look at the /etc/sysconfig directory since Suse creates its own configuration files for services like Apache, DNS, DHCP, iptables etc.
if u want to delete any rc script then use:
chkconfig --del <script name>
the worst thing about Suse rc scripts is if u do for example:
rcnfsserver stop
again do the same command and see what it says

now try rcnfsserver start
and again say start lol
atleast in Suse Enterprise Server 9 it won't say that the service is not running or already running like in redhat distros it wud say service not running or already running . bad scripting !