Linux Where to buy SuSe10 in India?

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Dear friends, I want to try a user friendly distro of Linux and have been advised to give SuSe. ver. 10 a shot.

I don't want to d/l such a huge OS. Can you please tell me where in India (pref. in Delhi) I can buy the SuSe10 DVD?


Ps. I am very new to Linux.
We have setup Suse Enterprise Server on our main server and really I don't like it at all and was very much against installing it but damn superiors. I manage this server daily and really hate Suse. Thier /etc/init.d/ scripts are worst IMHO and god damn it head breaking configuration of DDNS, Apache+SSL

I anytime prefer Redhat distros very user friendly and u will find a lot of documentation online for Fedora as compared to Suse. Redhat is Indian Linux Standard IMHO. *no flaming* :P

But if u insist on Suse the go here for Documentation:

As for the distro version 10 I do not know where in india

I do not get any search results from here:

ferrar! said:
We have setup Suse Enterprise Server on our main server and really I don't like it at all and was very much against installing it but damn superiors. I manage this server daily and really hate Suse. Thier /etc/init.d/ scripts are worst IMHO and god damn it head breaking configuration of DDNS, Apache+SSL

Think about a noobie user, Suse is the best alternative to Win Xp. FC cant even play mp3's out of the box. (talkin abt fc2)

No idea about Suse 10 but you can get Suse 9.3 in computer shops atleast in Pune, dont know about Delhi.
Try asking at the Delhi LUG, which is located at

Ubuntu is one distribution that will be shipped to you free of charge, you can get it at

It is perhaps not as easy to use as Suse or Mandrake, but it is still one of the very user friendly distributions. And this free shipping aspect has made it the most popular distro, which means that finding help is not a big problem.
SUSE is non-admin user friendly. For admins, I can't ever find any of the damn scripts anywhere. And the have no service script, the locations of a lot of the scripts are in weird location, and for some reason iptables just kept on coming on (and squid didn't worlk cos iptables was configured to block all requests)

V 10 was just released 4 days ago, you will have to wait a bit to get it in shops.
i've used suse and it isn't as good as ubuntu or fedora core. i'd say nothing comes close to slack :D when it comes to customization
Thanks guys for the replies. I am just starting to get familiar with Linux and will try to pick a distribution which will take me least time to get used to it. Once I am familiar with the OS, I'll try more advanced features/distors.

BTW, I have Ubuntu 5.04 live and install disks with me. Also the PCQ Linux 2005 disks. The PCQ one I tried but faced a lot of problems with monitor resolution and mouse detection. Ubuntu live works fine but I think I like the KDE desktop (from Knoppix) more than Gnome. Unfortunately KuBuntu disks do not ship free like Ubuntu ones.

Just to make things clear, my objective is to shift to Linux OS/Openoffice setup in six months time. I am only a end-user and I right now my objective is to get familiar with this setup so that I can migrate smoothly from MS platform. I cannot discard Windows completely because I use some statistical/econometric s/w which are available only on Windows.

Any advice regarding the Linux distro to start with is welcome.
Gnome is much faster according to me, but trust me I had installed Ubuntu 4.10 and nothing worked out of the box, also their apt get commands are useless if you have a client based Internet connection.
Hacker said:
Think about a noobie user, Suse is the best alternative to Win Xp. FC cant even play mp3's out of the box. (talkin abt fc2)

No idea about Suse 10 but you can get Suse 9.3 in computer shops atleast in Pune, dont know about Delhi.

Fedora is user friendly too my friend and for the n00bie IMHO. It aint difficult to run the yum utility to get the mp3 rpms installed just as u wud use Windows Update to get things fixed or destroyed ;)

Just read these documents to get max out of Fedora: Main

Ubuntu is also good but damn Suse I just hate administrating it. Bad scripting Suse guyz just bad thumbs down a BIG one it sux for Servers !

KingKrool said:
And the have no service script, the locations of a lot of the scripts are in weird location, and for some reason iptables just kept on coming on (and squid didn't worlk cos iptables was configured to block all requests)

it is rc in Suse.

For example in redhat:

service iptables stop

then in Suse it is:

rciptables stop
rcSuSEfirewall2 stop

location /sbin/rc*

all those scripts are badly written damn it. I wrote my own rc scripts for Suse :D

But that (rc) does not explain why even when I had disabled a service for runlevels3&5 and rebooted, it still came on?

As for servers, well have you read the admin's manual? I haven't but maybe it gives some idea of how to use the damned thing.
KingKrool said:
But that (rc) does not explain why even when I had disabled a service for runlevels3&5 and rebooted, it still came on?
As for servers, well have you read the admin's manual? I haven't but maybe it gives some idea of how to use the damned thing.

hi kk,

u can use the
chkconfig --list |egrep '(3:on|5:on)' |awk '{print $1,$5,$7}'

and what u don't want to start automatically then do

chkconfig --level 12345 <service_name> off

other wise go to the corrosponding runlevel directory here:

cd /etc/rc.d/rcX.d

where X=runlevel

and remove the symbolic link to your service

Also plz have a look at the /etc/sysconfig directory since Suse creates its own configuration files for services like Apache, DNS, DHCP, iptables etc.

if u want to delete any rc script then use:

chkconfig --del <script name>

the worst thing about Suse rc scripts is if u do for example:

rcnfsserver stop

again do the same command and see what it says :ohyeah:
now try rcnfsserver start
and again say start lol

atleast in Suse Enterprise Server 9 it won't say that the service is not running or already running like in redhat distros it wud say service not running or already running . bad scripting !

I know about chkconfig. In fact I used the graphical utility of it for deiabling/enabling (cos I did not know abt rc I was also starting/stopping services from the same place when I was trying to setup squid). I ultimatley did get it working, but I don't really know how.
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