Where to find Asterix comics cheap?

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Anyone knows? Last time I checked, it was around 350 bucks in Bangalore Central. I used to borrow them for Re 1/- :ohyeah: from my local library when I was a kid. They were really good. Some of my friends preferred Tintin.

I would love for the next generation to enjoy these books but it seems so sick the way they are priced. :@ Anyone know where I can get cheap re-prints?
They are no longer available for cheap... about a year ago, my wife picked up the entire Asterix collection for 8.5k (it was on discount at Crossword) but I think the price is back to 9.8k now.

Oh and they were for 275 bucks a piece at the last Strand book festival...
Hey, I think the whole set was for some 3.5k at crosswords.......not sure though, maybe it was Tintin :P
@Eazy....dude mail 'em to me. I've got no work today. Just fooling around in office :clap: I'll PM you my mail ID.

@Rio. You shelled out a bomb. Go to show what married men must do to keep their wives happy. ;)
^^Well... first, she bought it not me :) Secondly, I spend over 100k a year on my interests/hobbies, she probably spends 40-50% of that on her interests and books last a lifetime... my upgrades last less than a year. Go figure what is worth more!
Bangalore is the best place to find 2nd hand books dude

goto gangaram's, blossoms, bookworm, premier etc etc

all the shops are on mg road/church street/brigade road
^^You can get them for CHEAP at this place on museum road. YOu know 'The Only Place" restaurant? Or the SBI Bank on the St. Josephs College road? Opposite that is Museum road.. It is the same road which you'll reach after taking a right off Chruch Street (after Empire).

Anyway, there, in the restaurant 'the only place' there is a kinda shop for imported magazines and books and if im not wrong, you get these cominc for "100-150" Bucks! check it out.. Plus they got allota rare magazines etc
Ank1t, nukeu666, thanks for the pointers. I know where Museum road is. My aunt lives on Church street so I'm familiar with the place. Lemme visit this place with my cousin and check out what they have to offer.

100 bucks a piece would be a great price for the original books.(was hoping for Rs20-50 for imitations like the novels we get on the roadside cuz I wanted the whole collection but this is also great.)
dude! u rather have pirated books rather than second hand?!

the quality is sh1t and most of the ones ive seen have pages missing in then :angry:

there's usually nothing wrong with 2ndhand books, i have a small tower of them :P

i gotta check out the restaurant next time i come to bangi

Just checked with my friend and they are 300 not 100! sry for the big error..lol.. But he also said they 'were' available in forum(landmark) for 200 something.. But that was a while ago

And they'r original..
Well my experience with second hand is that they're poorly maintained. Plus, you can never get a whole collection. Basically, I'm on the lookout for the whole collection.

I know what you mean about re-prints(don't forget some of them even smell bad) but some re-prints are pretty decent. I was hoping that in this case, the re-print would have to be of a better standard as these are comics and not just text novels.

300 bucks.....still too much. Giving a 300Rs comic to a kid and having him damage it is too much. It would just have to be for me then :).

This kinda stuff is easily got in Malaysia or Singapore if I'm not wrong.
You know, if you can get someone from delhi to help you out it would be great. They'r available for 150 there.. I can probably tell you exact place too
dude u would rather download them from the torents and then print it if you really want to...that will assure you complete collection at much lower cost
Hotstuff said:
dude u would rather download them from the torents and then print it if you really want to...that will assure you complete collection at much lower cost

Will not printing all these pages in colour cost nearly as much as buying the comics ? I would think that printing one Asterix comic would take up around 33 - 50 % of a normal colour inkjet printers cartridge .... right ?
lol when would refilling come to rescue????

even is it does take 50% of a cartridge, even then after refilling a single comic would cost you around 50-70 bux
You forget paper costs. Also, it is slow, irritating as hell, and there is the cost of binding, files or whatever. Just read it on the PC.
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