superczar Keymaster Jun 23, 2007 #1 My PSPs rubber thumbpad fell off somewhere (the rubberized cap that fits over the analog stick) and doesn't seem to be available locally... ANy help in finding a replacement would be appreciated
My PSPs rubber thumbpad fell off somewhere (the rubberized cap that fits over the analog stick) and doesn't seem to be available locally... ANy help in finding a replacement would be appreciated
M MaconiE90 Contributor Jun 23, 2007 #2 Did you not get a spare in your PSP Starter Pack?? If not, You could get them online... Here: 6 Soft Rubber Analog Replacements (PSP) Or, try ebay??? Reactions: 1 person
Did you not get a spare in your PSP Starter Pack?? If not, You could get them online... Here: 6 Soft Rubber Analog Replacements (PSP) Or, try ebay???
I indy1811 Herald Jun 23, 2007 #3 head on over to contact the admin pramod.he's really helpful,i think he should be able to help u out
head on over to contact the admin pramod.he's really helpful,i think he should be able to help u out