where to read about wearing/clothing/dressing tips for men between 20-25 years

Well I'm not that king of guy who has good dressing sense , but average ..
was searching for some sites,magazines,etc where i could get some dressing tips..all what i found
was mens fashion thingy which are too much fashionable (too much is not good) and mostly not for indians..i'm talking abt good
casual sense :) hope you get what i'm saying ..

So any advices ??

P.S : - i'm a short guy 5"5-6 not fat not slim .. ;)
Stop following magazines, choose your own wear. Trial and error at the mall in front of the mirror, don't be influenced by the herd.
Make your own style. No needs to refer any blogs. Clothes which makes you feel comfortable are the ones which suits you the best. It depends on how you carry them even if you wear the best suggested clothes for your body type. And more over friends are the best critics to help us in buying some nice clothes. Take two or three with you for shopping who can give you different suggestions. Anyway, this is my opinion and what i feel.