Off topic to OP's post. Anyways, GMO cotton was introduced as manna for Indian cotton farmers initially. When it failed, they blamed farmers for not following 'scientific farming methods'. The reality is different.
Later there were even claims that such plants needs suitable specialty chemicals provided by seed vendor for successful industrial farming ! (won't be able to trace the links to it, sorry)
Indian hybrid Bt cotton production is further complicated by the development of resistance to Bt toxins in the key pest, the native pink bollworm (Pectinophora gossypiella Saunders, PBW), resulting in increased insecticide use that induces ecological disruption and outbreaks of highly destructive secondary pests.
Hope OP gets the kind of seeds / seedlings of his liking and best wishes for him as a person curiously interested in food forest permaculture.
Later there were even claims that such plants needs suitable specialty chemicals provided by seed vendor for successful industrial farming ! (won't be able to trace the links to it, sorry)
Indian hybrid Bt cotton production is further complicated by the development of resistance to Bt toxins in the key pest, the native pink bollworm (Pectinophora gossypiella Saunders, PBW), resulting in increased insecticide use that induces ecological disruption and outbreaks of highly destructive secondary pests.

Hybrid Bt cotton is failing in India: cautions for Africa - Environmental Sciences Europe
This paper reviews the ongoing failure of hybrid transgenic Bt (Bacillus thuringiensis) cotton unique to India. The underlying cause for this failure is the high cost of hybrid seed that imposes a suboptimal long-season low plant density system that limits yield potential and has associated...

Long-term analysis shows GM cotton no match for insects in India
Genetically modified Bt cotton is the most widely planted cotton crop in India by acreage, and it is hugely controversial. Supporters long touted increased yields and reduced pesticides to justify its pickup. But that argument does not hold up under the first long-term study of Bt cotton impacts...

Hope OP gets the kind of seeds / seedlings of his liking and best wishes for him as a person curiously interested in food forest permaculture.