Couple of years ago we fixed up an inverter with a local battery. That battery seems to have died out, along with the few homes that bought similar batteries.
I need a recommendation for a battery with some warranty on it preferably 3 years. Also the price range of such batteries. These batteries are used to power our homes as load shedding is a problem here. Need to be able to run 2 fans 1 tv for at least 2-3 hours on full charge.
Couple of years ago we fixed up an inverter with a local battery. That battery seems to have died out, along with the few homes that bought similar batteries.
I need a recommendation for a battery with some warranty on it preferably 3 years. Also the price range of such batteries. These batteries are used to power our homes as load shedding is a problem here. Need to be able to run 2 fans 1 tv for at least 2-3 hours on full charge.